Tuesday, October 23, 2012


                                    Prayer is words with wings.

  Yesterday it was a cold morning for a walk and time for long underwear and an extra sweater.  Gundy and I saw to flocks of geese honking and flying over in a V formation.  A sign it  must be getting cold.  It is a blessing when the day warms up even with a luke- warm sun. 

Dad's dental appointment lasted for 90 minutes and it was just a cleaning.  The root canel is later and he has one small cavity.

Early in the morning is a good time for prayer as the darkness becomes light and the day becomes busy.  Dad is meeting Glen for coffee and I may visit Rosanna who has moved to White Rock.

Our path in life takes us on many journeys, some educational, some relational, some emotional and some spiritual (whether we realize it or not) .  There will always be questions that come unexpectedly to mind and some because we see the Word in a new light.  We are searching for truth that is beautiful and meaningful.

As long as I am not forced to pray to a God I do not believe in, or say words that seem empty and phony to me, I have discovered that prayer helps me to be a little more loving and more compassionate with others.  Like I was saying I believe it is a good healthy exercise for my brain.

I want to keep on saying Yes to love and to the light that can pierce the darkness.


Anonymous said...

Prayer is a wonderful thing, but I wonder just what it is? Doesn't really matter, of course. It's not like anyone would need to stop praying while they figured it out, anymore than a person would have to stop driving while they figured out how a car really worked (which I don't know at all, for example.)

But still, I wonder what it is?



Anonymous said...

For me Payer is a mysterious energy force that has bearing on how we feel and behave and works in ways we do not understand but can be a tremendous force for good compassion and healing.My prayers are directed through Jesus the Christ. , Jane.
Strange l should read your blog Beth just as l am about to work on our church prayer list!.

Anonymous said...

A little old Indian man I meet at McDonald's said he would pray that I got Christmas off so I could spend it with my family.

nancy-Lou said...

Well put Rick and Jane! It is an interesting question and I will put it to our discussion group and see what they reply! Our service on Sunday was from the Anglican old book of Common Prayer.....and I realized how dated that book has become. There is a lot more repent, and hell and brimfire. I prefer the most recent one. The guest minister must have genuflected 15 times while preparing for communion. He is "old school " and recently retired from the oldest Anglican Church in Manitoba...St. Andrews on the Red.
I enjoy hearing about your walks Beth and seeing the pictures. I admire you for being so faithful to your blog! Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Well, just like the power of prayer there is power in envisioning positive changes, and I guess that is all you are doing in prayer really. Telling the universe you expect better from it then what you see in the here and now?

Don Quixote said...

"If we listened to our intellect, we'd never have a love affair. We'd never have a friendship. We'd never go into business, because we'd be cynical. Well, that's nonsense. You've got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down."
~ Ray Bradbury
