Monday, January 7, 2013


I wake up early usually 5 or 6. The time flies by as I want to be out walking by 7.

I am still half asleep as I turn on the computer and quickly glance at my blog and then press publish.
I glance at face book enjoying pictures and comments; it is good to keep in touch with family.  I have been missing comments by Rick.    Then I go downstairs for my much needed wake- up cup of coffee and breakfast.  I put out dad's vitamins for the day.

Then I have a quiet time which is a combination of meditation and prayer.  I know that there are no guarantees that my prayer will affect the outcome but I still believe that prayer is a way of sending loving thoughts and renewed hope to others.

I take a quick look at the paper and see the Canucks will be back playing hockey again.  Their image has been tarnished by all the squabbles.  I then look at a book and do some reading hoping to get an idea for my title for the next day.  I write my thoughts first down in my notebook.  I look at the calender and see that Jasmine's birthday is coming up.  O dear I am late mailing her card away.

It is soon time to gather up my clothes for my morning walk.  I check to see if it is raining, then I will need to put on rain pants too.  I search for my walking shoes which seem to go walking about on their own.

It begins to get light as I walk.
Monday morning it is busier on the roads.
 I do not often quote scripture when I write because it can mean so many different things and should not be taken out of context.  But I like this:  In this place of which you say is waste. . . . .
there will again be heard the voice of mirth and the voice of gladness. . . . .
the voices of those who sing.  Jeremiah the prophet.

I like to think that this will come true for many who are feeling sick and fearful.  I think that not only are we called to serve one another but also to be one with each other.

Mother Theresa writes:  The world's ills are that we have forgotten we belong to each other."

It is tragic if I start thinking that I am better than some one else or than anyone else matters less.  I and you are made to be just who we are, created with enough goodness, enough talent, enough gifts to be a blessing just where we are.
 And as I real I am reminded that I am influenced again and again by all the different reading material I look at. The greatest concern is that the truth is not suppressed but available to all.
 And some how "The soul finds it's worth"  from O Holy Night.


Sandra said...

I guess when you actually write it out your day manages to fill up quite nicely. I hope you and dad are feeling better. I am on the headache stage of this flu bug. Did you find out if Leah is down this week? Sandra

Anonymous said...

Cool again today.Friday , Jasmines birthday ,it is going to be 38c, we are planing to go to the water slides.

nancy-Lou said...

Your morning sounds well organized. I guess it is a routine for you. Is the walk your favourite part? Be careful at that time of the morning many are already on their way to work...lots of traffic. Have you had the flu shot? Poor Sandra has it now...better stay away! We missed the clinic that was held here in October so I called our Public Health Care nurse and made an appointment for our flu shots on Friday. Carl has pleurisy again and I sure don't want him to get the flu. Take care and take your vitamins. Love Nancy

nancy-Lou said...
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beth bennett said...

Sorry to hear about Carl that is miserable. Pray he will be better soon.
No I do not get the flu shot although I have had it in the past.
I put out vitamins every morning for Larry and myself.
love Beth

alex said...

Great post.