Wednesday, January 30, 2013


            The powerful spirit of purity and grace is blowing around and upon us all.

The beauty of nature, the energy of music and the love that flows so gently softens the heart and the mind stops being judgmental, critical, defensive, hard and brittle.  I have always believed it is important to put your heart into what you are doing and do the best you can.

"A human being is part of a whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space.  He (or she) experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as separate from the rest. . . .a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.. . . . .Our tasks must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
-Albert Einstein
Watching the news and seeing all the destruction of the flooding in Australia and the unrest in so many countries I know I feel helpless.  If I try to treat all I meet with respect I can at least start with that.  Disappointing and painful day, stiff neck,  but I figure it is two steps forward and one back but it is onward!  Life is too complex to expect always to be moving forward.

"As long as we want to be interesting, distinct, special, we are pulled away from the deep realization that we are very much a part of the human race, and in the final analysis we are not different but the same.  -Spiritual Direction by Henri Nouven

We all want to be loved and healed of negative emotions and use our gifts to bless others.  Healed! ! !

I have permission to share the wonderful and exciting news that Shawna and Stephen are going to have a baby!  Another little one!  Our family continues to grow!  Congratulations to boyh of you!


Sandra said...

Thank you for the pills, right away Peanut slept through the night. Bladder infections are so disruptive.
Oh, and Shawna says you can go ahead and share her news on your blog, as it is only family who reads it and all her family knows now.

Anonymous said...

Jassy very excited to be going to kindy today.She only goes for two hours this afternoon,but she will love it. we are having a nice respite from the heat today, 18c and showers. Cant wait for the new from Shawna .

Anonymous said...

Yes Ken and Melina Shawna ia expecting. Very exciting. Glad it is cooler for you. It is 6 here and showers.
How are your eyes?
When do you see the doctor?
Dad had a short walk today which is good.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Well, another baby - that's always good news! They seem to come in bunches, like Stephen, and Oliver, and Leah were all born in 1980. Seems so long ago.

