Saturday, January 26, 2013


                                  Trusting opens the dorrway to faith.
I trust my weak and wobbly legs to take me for a short walk and it feels good.  Dad trust his skin doctor as he burns and cuts his nose; and dad chats away to him.  I trusted my parents when they took me to church.  I loved the singing and tried to understand the words but did not really succeed.  I trust the words in the Bible that tell the stories of those who knew and listened to Jesus.

Stories are a great way to learn and our minister begins his sermons with a story every time.  They all seem real and believable.  The creed can become not something we are forced to believe but a prayer that builds trust and faith.

The word doctrine actually means a "healing teaching" from the French word for "doctor."  These words remind us of the early disciples and the trust they were putting into the words they believed were living words that they could trust and take refuge in.

We live in a world that is untrusting.  It is hard to know who or what to believe.  Can I trust others to do what is the right thing?  That can be either when I am walking or driving.  I have to be careful and alert.  I cannot even trust when I am walking in the crosswalk with a green light that I will be seen.

Looking out my window before bedtime. Hoping to-morrow will be another nice day and that dad will continue to improve. As J head out the door this Saturday morning I bend to pet an black and white cat but to my surprise it is a skunk and we both scare each other and head off in different directions.  I am glad it did not spray me.


Anonymous said...

4:26 am?! I trust you went back to bed!



beth bennett said...

Yes 4 is too early to wake up. I go for a walk to keep awake. Always time in my day for a nap later.

You must be up early too.

love mom

Anonymous said...

Good thing the skunk took off!

Yes, 5:30 was to early, but my shoulders start to hurt after a while, so I just have to get out of bed.

