Friday, January 11, 2013


I think help is a good word to start any prayer with.  Especially after I wake up after a very restless night when I was checking to see if the clock was keeping the right time all night every hour on the hour; and it was!

I like what Anne Lamont says:

Hi God, I am just a mess. It is all hopeless. What else is new? (my favorite saying when dad asks how I am and I say tired) I would be sick of me, if I were you God, but miraculously You are not. I
know I have no control of the lives of other people, and this annoys me. Yet I believe that if I am able to accept and surrender this, You will meet me wherever I am.

A Jewish mother prays: Help for the sick and hungry, home for the homeless folk, peace in the world forever, this is my prayer, O Lord I pray.

Or "Dear something,
I don't know what I am doing or where I am going.
I'm getting more lost, more afraid, more uptight.

I realize that this does not seem like positive thing but it is.  I believe that God continues to work in mysterious ways and if I am patient the answers will come, because He has never failed me.  I feel better as I go out the door I leave behind all the petty annoyances and worries of the previous day and the day begins to unfold before me.

I am thinking that doors are so important if you are in a prison like Mandela or in a palace like the queen all places need doors.

Prayer is an open door.
Jesus said:  I am the door!  And I believe it!
I love the story the Secret Garden when they open the door into another world that use to be a garden.

I am thankful for the rain which does not get too hot nor turn into snow that needs shoveling.

Yesterday dad took Chuck out to lunch at the White Spot and they had a great visit together.

I delivered my milkshake to Jim without spilling a drop.  He is sure going down hill.  I went for a walk with partially blind Pierre and this perked him up.  We walked together slowly enjoying the warm sun on our backs.  He would sit and rest on his walker frequently.

Kenny skipped us so we could wish Jasmine Happy Birthday.  Her big eyes just sparkle with excitement and joy!  Mathew likes feeding the new toy pony carrots and doing hands stands and they both showed us their dancing routines.  I am sad to be so far away.

I am very concerned for the Peterguim yellow spots on Ken's eyes that are not responding to the eye drops.  I am praying for his healing.  I hope he is staying on the gluten-free diet and maybe vitamins would help.

I am definitely getting more forgetful but I do remember to pray for you all at some time during the day!  This morning my payers are with the Alexander family as the service to remember Robbie's life is on Sat. to-morrow.  Theresa and family may be staying here to-night,

Dad is going out to lunch with a friend from church called Bob.


Sandra said...

Should be a beautiful day today, a great day to be alive. Went and pulled a muscle in my back at work reaching for a file. BUT, get my closet today! I will be sure to get out in the yard and poak around and see what is stiring. Went and looked at a rental for Mandi and James in Vancouver last night. Very tiney, and right on Main and 33rd. So interesting thougth because when you live in a place like that it drives you out of your room and out into the world. Sandra

beth bennett said...

So true. Take care of yourself. See you to-morrow.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Really like your Thomas Merton quote .Jane.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for prayers mom. Late night with kereoke last night .i am off to work some overtime and Melina is doing a morning shift at the dry cleaners.