Sunday, January 27, 2013


Friday was a lovely sunny day at last almost warm enough to sit on our porch.

 ( Please take note our phone is not working only dad's cell phone.  Dad is working on it and I know he will get it working right soon.)

A lovely sunny day which I was hoping would  inspire me to clean out the closet in the guest room.
I soon get tired but at least I have started.
I found my study book that had gone missing since Christmas and also the slides that Sandra wants.
I am always over joyed when missing things are found.
I think that I grew up in a very good time.  I enjoyed a lot of freedom as a child and could play for hours outside.  I rode my bike all over town.  (Dad wants to get out riding his bike again when the weather really improves; and when he is feeling better.)  He still has a very  nasty cold and he is so darn cheerful it is not fair.
I also think it is a good time to be growing older because old people are keeping more active and continuing to learn.  There are writing and painting groups; singing and discussion groups and all kinds of activities.  We are thinking of taking up some new interests together.  A time for adventure!
Christianity is learning a new way to look at life and also develop spiritually.  There are many wise teachers in all religions but for me I still put my faith in scripture and prayer.  This too takes practice and I believe my goal is to become a calmer person and a more loving person.  It all begins to sink into our hearts and become who we are.
Both work and spirituality have the potential of making life more beautiful; so that we see others differently.    That does not mean we will not have crummy days because I sure do.
Not everyone will understand or even like me but I can love and accept myself! 
Different people come into our lives for various reasons and one is to teach me more about myself and my weaknesses and imperfections.


Anonymous said...

I thought Dad was better , sort of ?? I started work at 2am today , uggh . Hope I can stay awake for the Canucks game which starts at 12 noon our time .

Anonymous said...

Brisbane is set to flood again today or tomorrow. The kids should be ok , they live in the north , hill country .