Thursday, January 24, 2013


I am thankful that scripture reading and prayer help me to keep in touch with the Good Lord.
Keeping in touch is very important to me.And through all our modern advances. I am so thankful for pictures of Mathew and Jasmine.  Seeing them on skype is even more amazing.  Dad and I are so blessed to be able to keep in touch by e-mail with all our family.  I also like the comments on my blog about what others are doing.  So very happy at the news that Mary and Michael John are going to have a baby girl!
To-morrow my cousin, My cousin bill's wife Sheila, in England will be having an operation for cancer in the hospital at Cambridge.  This will be followed by radiation treatment,   Praying that all will go well.
Ken was the only one at home when they came to visit us many years ago when we lived on 53rd.
Dad had his plane at that time and flew us all around and it was great fun even for a scary cat like me.
Another interesting thing was that Sheila and I had baby boys on the same day and both were named Richard.  Carol and Rick will remember when their daughter Jill visited us many years later.  Rick just had his knee operated on at that time.
Dad is the best one to send e-mails and I am happy for him to do it.
I missed our study group yesterday.   I like our smaller church and the small groups that keep us more in touch with each other's lives.  I will miss my walk today.
I have always loved the stories of that Jesus told whether in parables, metaphors or allegories.  He addresses a multiple of subjects and life situations that are common to us all.  It is a way for me to keep in touch and to know his unconditional love.
Dad is improving in time to wait on me.  He goes to see Dr. Jovanovic about his skin condition.  Things are looking good for now but he does have a small growth on his nose.  I am glad he is going to the doctor.  He did have the skin cancer removed from his nose and he is thankful the miseries of a runny nose have slowed down.


Sandra said...

Mathew is looking more like a Bennett, Jasmin totaly like her mom. Randy is just about done all his part of the work. I pretty much set up the 3rd bedroom last night and will be getting the 2nd bedroom cleared out tommorrow.

nancy-Lou said...

Oh blog must be sick Beth. I send you healing thoughts. May your cold be short lived! It is beautiful here...cold but we had about 5 inches of snow overnight and it looks like a winter wonderland. I actually did a painting of it last night....snowy covered trees and a little child pulling a sled. Just a digital painting on my ipad. Painted with one finger. I am going to make a calendar of my paintings and sell them at the summer sales. So stay warm and drink lots of fluids...dehydration is something to watch out for. Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

l echo Nancy-Lou's first and last sentences. What lovely Grandchildren you have in Australia. It's amazing that you can keep in such close contact with them through modern technology. Love and healing thoughts , Jane.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember Jill visiting.

