Saturday, January 19, 2013


"In the words "Know Thyself" is buried a new belief, that human nature is capable of reaching God without dogma, authority, and fear."  Deepak Chopra 
Know the truth and it will set you free.
Sunday morning and another foggy day which matches my foggy mind.  Good to start with prayer.
Dear Lord: I pray that you will remind me that you are at work within me and around me.  I give you thanks for being my strength in difficult times in the past and I ask that you will heal those in my family like Ken, and dad, and Traudel and now my cousin Sheila Taylor, Jill's mom to know your healing love surrounds them.
Lord I know I need You all during the day and I know that we all need each other.
Socrates according to the write up in the book  "God"  encouraged the asking of questions.     
Who am I?
What is the purpose of life? Is there supreme truth? 
 Can God be known by words, when what I need is an experience.      
 Each of us experiences life differently and hopefully truth will be fresh and new.
"If God is about our own awareness, then 'Know thyself" has huge religious implications.  Despots at this time used religion to keep people in line.  Obedience, superstition, and fear are powerful political .
Having opinions was considered being corrupted.  Socrates taught that all authority should be questioned.  The question of truth became for him a matter of life and death.  Why did he have such an interest in God or the gods? 
 "Because he believed that creation had a divine origin, therefore so did humans."
Know thyself became a life-and-death command to transform ourselves.
Instead every society co-ops God to bolster the statue quo."
"Socrates aimed to make truth so seductive that it overtook the mind, purified it of all false beliefs, and ignited a lifelong hunger for a higher reality.  We can then seek the ideal in everyday experience-if we are true philosophers, lovers of wisdom."
Like Jesus who taught us to be in the world but not of it, that you will become the light of the world rather than hiding it under a bushel basket.  The gospel  of John brings to light Greek thoughts and ideals.
So I guess that is enough of that.  Dad is fighting his cold with rest and T.V. tennis, golf and hockey.
I am back doing his jobs; except making the bed because he is still in it.  I grumble about doing the dishes (yes I have been spoilt) but he comes along later and shines up the counter to his standards!
I feel like the bug is chasing after me but so far it has not caught me. 


Sandra said...

Well, keep running and maby the cold will get tired and go look for another house. Might drop by tommorrow and bring back the saw if Randy gets the floor all put in. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Socrates just liked to show-off.

I turned on the hockey game and we were losing 5 to 2, so I turned it off again.



larry bennett said...

Yes Rick - that is what i did - watched the first few minutes - kept jumping to the tennis - missed all the first thress goals- then turned it on to the 5-2 score - just rturned it off.

Anonymous said...

Sandra we do not need the saw. I will leave dad home alone with his germs and go to church. I do not want you to catch anything.

Rick even know it alls do actually hit on the truth occasionally.

love mom

Anonymous said...

Sandra we do not need the saw. I will leave dad home alone with his germs and go to church. I do not want you to catch anything.

Rick even know it alls do actually hit on the truth occasionally.

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Beth, I like the quote from Deepak Chopra...that human nature is capable of reaching God without dogma, authority and fear. You always inspire one to think....and to look at things in a different way.I hope that you don't catch that bug and Larry feels better soon. Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

Not one of their best games. But they pulled snider and put Luongo in, interesting move.i wonder who will start against the young
Guns Edmonton Oilers.i bought the NHL live package , for $49 Usd 45Aud , I get all games live .

beth bennett said...

So we will know you are watching too. Should be a better game eh
love mom