Monday, January 21, 2013


                                       Two of my bucket fillers.  Ben and Morgan

Their was a movie called Buckets or something, the idea was you have a list of things you want to accomplish or do before you kick the bucket. Where did that saying come from? Maybe dad can find out.

There are many things we can do to fill each other's buckets which should never be empty.  A little red hair girl and brown haired big brother are great bucket fillers because they bring so much love and joy into  our lives.

Dad and I look forward to having a visit from Matthew and Jasmine who bring us joy by skype now.
Author Carol McCloud tells about an workshop she attended on early childhood.  The speaker was an expert in infant brain research who taught that it was helpful to think of every baby as being born with an invisible bucket.  The bucket represents a child's mental and emotional health.  When you hold, care, sing and play etc. it  is filling the child's bucket with love. 

But in addition to being loved, children must be taught how to love others.  Both children and adults who learn to express kindness and love,  lead happier lives.

We each carry this bucket and it's purpose is to hold good thoughts and also good feelings about yourself.  We all have bad days when things go wrong and it really helps when some one comes along and gives you a smile or a caring word.

I found this picture and story in a children's book and was impressed.  I loved the words and the pictures.  Not quite up to Socrates but on the other hand maybe it is.

I hope dad feels better today and I will find out after my walk.  Sandra and Randy did bring our table saw back because it was a nuisance in their kitchen but sure helped Randy do all the cutting for his floors.  We have not seen them yet.  They made a quick get-a-way not wanting any germs and I do not blame them; but there are a lot of people all around with colds and flu.

Pictures from the book "Have You Filled Your Bucket Today?"   by Carol  Mcloud


Sandra said...

It would be nice if we had a visual of other peoples "buckets" would make it easier to hold back a critisism and give a kind word instead. But then, life is just not that simple...or maybe it is. Sorry to dash so quickly, we had a lot of things on our list for the day. Floors are in but there is a LOT of putting away to be done now before Mandi and James arive next Monday. Do you have an actual arival date for Carol and Panteli?

larry bennett said...

No arrival date.

Anonymous said...

Better game against Edmonton. I think they will get their act together soon. Hope Dad is better soon.