Friday, February 1, 2013


                   The purpose of life is a life of purpose. -George Burnard Shaw
First the important news Stephen and Shawna are expecting a Baby!  ! Yah!
Just for family and friends to know,
We have many gifted and artistic people in our family.  I love the color and design and shape of this bird Kim made for me.  Very beautiful.

Dad and I have been watching some interesting D.V.D's; the last one yesterday was about a black man who was not a doctor but helped a doctor learn how to do open-heart surgery.  He had brains and skill but was not given any credit.  This was back in the 1940's.  His name was Vivian Thomas.  He worked at John Hopkins Hospital.  Eventually he was given honor and respect even though he was not a doctor he became a teacher of doctors.

Mind and heart and spirit make us who we are and each of these nurture and grow within us if we allow them to.  There is no simple theology that good people will prosper and the bad will suffer. Some of our most profound lessons are learned through suffering.  I believe that I am on a journey to realize that I am empowered within and can have an inner strength even when I feel weak and useless.  Discernment and wisdom come from the very depth of our souls and we all can tap into this energy,

Had a better day today and even took Jim his milkshake.  He has a bad cold too.  He ended up going to the bank in a police car because his daughter had got stopped with no license and her car was towed away.  Her heart was in the right place trying to get her dad to the bank but she has a pretty strange life I think.  They took a cab home, at least they had some money.  It was not his first ride in a police car but I did not go into details.  I am sure finding a sympathetic ear is not easy.

Doodling by Panteli


Shandel said...

Kim is very talented, what a beautiful bird. Lots of exciting news for our family. :D
I hope you and Grandpa are feeling better. It is going to warm up here, we were in a bit of a deep freeze over the last couple days reaching as cold as -43 with the windchill!!
that makes for boring days for the doggy as we did not walk and she could only be outside to do her business very quick and then back inside to do nothing LOL
glad to be able to get out and walk now as we are sitting at -10 or so.
have a great weekend.
love Shandel

Sandra said...

Well, that makes it a lot easier, I can just chose my own purpose! I have a dr and dentist appointments today, I will drop by on you if there is time inbetween. Dr @ 11:20 and dentist 1:30. Sandra Oh, and today will be my first day getting 2 tummy pictures, Mary sends me one on the first of the month and now Shawna will be too!

Anonymous said...

Congtatulations on the lood news of another great grandchild on the way ! Glad you are feeling a bit better. Hope to see you and Larry on Sunday. love Jane.

Anonymous said...

WOW everyone is having babies!! so exciting! love that mary and stephans babies will be born the same year. Glad you like my peace bird, I just packaged UP another piece of of pottery today for you. What a coincidence. love kimberly

Anonymous said...

Great news for Stephen and Shawna. When is she due? We have enrolled the kids in swimming lessons.Jasmine is going to do dance . Matthew wants to run,so we are looking into little athletics for him.
Ps Melina wants to climb the Sydney harbour bridge for her birthday. We will fly up in two weeks and stay the night.

nancy-Lou said...

Blessed twice! I wish everyone many good times ahead. I am green with envy.....yes I know that is a sin...BUT we only have one grandchild and she is 18. You are so fortunate to have a large family. Good to hear you are both on the mend from the cold. It was -35 on the thermometer this morning and the wind chill was -45....bitterly cold at 8AM but I was brave and went out to feed the birds. How they survive I don't know. The nuthatches were landing in my pail as I walked to the bird feeders. Kim's pottery is lovely...really creative. I love the little bird she sent you. Love, Nancy

larry bennett said...

I just sent Melina a card so I hope it gets there in time. Did the Valentines arrive?
I have not been doing much, especially shopping.
Any news about your eyes?