Monday, February 25, 2013


             What is the difference between you and God?    God never thinks He is you!
Just got the news that Traudel now has a blood clot in her leg which swelled up to twice the size.  After a trip to Cranbrook again for cat scan they sent her back to the emergency at Invermere.  She has to dissolve this clot before it moves and causes death.  She is on injections and medication and they do not know what will happen with the radiation treatment but they want to put it off for awhile.  They need input from the doctor.  Brian is a worrier but he also is a prayer.

Traudel's comment was that she was so happy to be showing off her slim legs this summer as she has lost 40 pounds and now she has a fat leg again.  Life is not fair.  She has a good sense of humor which you need in times like this.

I am again reminded that in so many ways we are helpless and that we cannot fix our own problems or those of an others but I can pray.  One thing I have added to my life is a prayer box into which I am putting the names of special people who really need prayer. 

Thomas Merton prayed :"My Lord, I have no idea where I am going.  I cannot see the way ahead of me."   I know I feel like this at times.

I pray and ask "what next Lord?  Help those who are sick and need your healing touch I pray.  I breath again as I release my worries to the One who can help us all.  I just read the deeper we breathe the more we draw God into ourselves.

"Breathe on me Breath of God. till I am wholly Thine.  -- a hymn

I am anxious to hear what news Ken gets from the doctor.

"Sometimes going through the darkness reveals a new appreciation and awareness of The Light"
--author unknown.

Monday morning very, very windy but off for a walk.


Anonymous said...

Lots of medical stuff going on it seems like, Randy and his mom have Dr appointments tomorrow, Randy for his foot and his mom for a surgery date, Mary has an ENT specialist appointment today I think and Shawna goes either today or tomorrow. I had a horrible headache yesterday after getting together with the girls. Bit better today, but still not gone. Dont get blown away this morning mom! Sandra

Anonymous said...

If God doesn't think he/she is me, who does he/she think he/she is?

I hope Aunt Traudl makes a speedy recovery.



Anonymous said...

Personaly, I was led to believe that god was in all of us therefore he/she not only thinks he/she is us, he/she knows it because heshe is us! Sandra

Anonymous said...

Can you say that again!
love mom