Monday, February 18, 2013


Happy Birthday Dad! !                                     "There is a fountain of  youth
 it is your mind (even when it slows down and hesitates over the right word)
 your talents(bringing the past to life with stories). 
Your creativity you bring to your life and the lives of the people you love."  Sophia Loren

Time and time again I had heard that real beauty is within but I do not always feel beautiful.  I feel like more of a mess and looking at our house right now it is a mess too.  Then there is the garden that definitely needs some loving care.
Live well, Love much, Laugh often that is what  I aim to do. to do.  The twinkle in the eye is more important
than perfection and a timely word can make another person feel valued.  I sit in church and I look with love upon all my friends there.  I sit at Shirley's tea and remember the good visits we had together.  I sit at Sandra's dinner table and I love how beautiful it looks and I am touched by her effort and her love for us as I look at all those gathered there.
Words can never express how thankful for all that Sandra does for us, keeping in touch and being there for us through all our good and bad times!  !

Dad and I appreciated the time Theresa and Mikie and children took to come to the party.  I know the drive home can be tiring.  Theresa's friend Nacole dropped by too.

Nice to have Mandy and James join the party.

Ron toook time to phone and wish dad a happy birthday.  Very thoughtful. 
Ancient Easter liturgy speaks of "Christ yesterday and today, the beginning and the end, Alpha and Omega.  All time belongs to him, and all the ages."  Truth is timeless but so is deception that tries to fog our minds.  The Risen Christ is a permanent presence not just a vague spirit but life that lives on in his words and his actions.

 Dad enoyed his day very much.  Rick also gets his birthday card here right on Time.!  !


Anonymous said...

Another comment lost, maybe I rush too much trying to post from work.
Anyways, thank you for your kind words, I hardly feel last nights dinner warented such high praise.
Happy Birthday Dad!

larry bennett said...

I would like to thank everyone for making my birthday so nice - all are appreciated much.

I know I ate to much - but the cake was so good i couldnt help myself.

Thank you Sandra and Randy for everything.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Dad. We are in the thick of the weather , wind rains and flooding here ,while back home it hot and burning. Don't know if melina and I will go for our walk this morning the rain is coming in jasmine now has Matthews cold , just a sore throat and runny nose . Jesse not feeling too well either. We had a good time at wet n wild yesterday. Didn't matter how wet you got also its still warm, 26c so it was ok.

larry bennett said...

Wet and warm isnt too bad - mom came home from her walk this mornng ouring rain 2C . Hope no one gets real sick - it looked lovely at Canbera for the ladies golf.

Anonymous said...

Yes the golf looked nice in Canberra. I have played that course twice , the greens are like concert and lightning fast . But the pros make it look easy.