Monday, February 11, 2013


A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.  I love watching the birds coming to the feeder and know that soon I will be hearing the birds singing in the morning.  This is watching the bird feeder at Sandra's.  Yes, it feeels so good the days getting longer.
                             Family Day a new holiday for B.C. for the month of Feb.

Happy Family Day to all.    Happy studying to Sandra.    Happy walking to dad!

Happy Hawaii Holiday to Cameron and Shandel!   

It is very stressful when things just keep dragging you down and your health is not so good.  Maybe dad and I can go for a walk in the forest today, depending on the weather and how he is feeling.  Dad and I did not make it to the book group as we were both very tired.  I managed to stay up until 9 but it was difficult.

Time is the biggest healer and of course prayer!  This is why I pray for others and ask prayers for my loved ones.

A prayer: 
take time to sit alone and in silence.  Breathe out gently and imagine yourself looking into your own heart and soul.  Let your thoughts rest there.  Try to be calm and patient and thankful for all the good things in your life and trust that healing will come like the wings of a dove.

When Abraham received three strangers at Mamre and offered them bread, water and a fine tender calf, they revealed themselves to him as from the Lord.  I am reminded how important it is to welcome strangers.  "It would be truly wonderful if we could greet the enemy as a friend and be willing to listen and learn and create a fearless place and recognize the divinity in the other and receive and give gifts as a token of friendship."   -Rabbi

"Their is great wealth contained and preserved in such ancient acts of hospitality, offering a new dimension to our understanding of healing relationships in a world so visibly suffering from alienation and estrangement," - Henri  Nouwen (our book for Sunday night)

Looking at some of the things Abraham did I do not think he was a great family man.

But we all make mistakes well at least I know I do.



Sandra said...

Not as nice a day for walking as it was yesterday. I spent about 3 hours in the garden raking and snipping. Got attacked by a Rose bush when I had to rescue Lucy, she got stuck between 2 of them and could not move forward or back. All in all a very nice day, did not think about my school work at all! Today, looks like the rain is back so I wont mind working on it. Hope dad feels better today. Sandra

beth bennett said...

I got attacked by my rose bush too and it was just me.

Dad is feeling a bit better this morning and we hope to go for a walk in the forest.

love mom

Anonymous said...

Abraham - he was going to sacrafice his son? Or something else?

This talk of getting stuck on rose bushes reminds me of picking blackberries back in Tsawassen many years ago when you had to be careful that your greed didn't cause you to fall into the prickles!



Anonymous said...

looks like a Toronto vs Vancouver Stanley cup this year....
Hope your feeling better today,