Tuesday, February 19, 2013


This life's five windows of the soul distorts the Heavens from pole to pole
And leads you to believe a lie when you see with, not through the eye. William Blake

What a busy day Sunday was and it was no wonder I felt a little tired waking up.  There was a light misty rain and It refreshed me as I stepped out the door for my walk.  There is a peaceful solace in my early morning walk as the day brightens before me.  But when I finished I was feeling chilled and dad was at the door thinking he should pick me up.  I was thankful to come into a warm house with my loving hubby there
and my coffee made for me.

We both enjoyed all the phone calls that came in wishing dad a happy birthday.  First was Theresa on her way to teacher training, followed by Mary at home with a bad cold.  It was so good to have an update from Shawna on all that has been going on in her life.  Lastly Carol phoned and her plans are still up in the air but hearing her voice made our day.

It is wonderful to feel loved!

We were having a quiet day, actually not been able to see my pictures download from the camera.  All it said was that it had failed to download.  Finally able between the two of us fix the problem.

Another surprise visit came when Jane dropped by with books and goodies and a card for the birthday boy.  I had a visit with my brother on the phone and they will be driving over the Roger's Pass to Kelowna on the 27th of Feb. for a consultation.  Meanwhile Brian has been told he has a heart murmur and needs to have that checked out.  I am reminded how precious life is and how important our prayers for each other really are.  Prayer has become a joy to be treasured!

Faith invites each one of us to see with the heart of love into the beautiful mystery of the words and life of Jesus. 
                     Have an awesome day today and know that someone has prayed for you today!


Sandra said...

Oh dear, I did not call. I am in my busy time at work and my focus is on that. No excuse. Glad dad had others who are not too busy to call. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Rick just called this morning but we had just seen you so not necessary.

Expecting Ava and jeff to come over but to leave and pick up the baby Uri at 4 and then come back again. i will see how my energy is. love mom

Anonymous said...

We are back from the Gold Coast. We came home via Sydney at the last moment . The direct flight to melbourne filled up with everybody leaving the terrible weather. It was 17c when we landed in melbourne . Nice and cool which was nice for a change. The kids had a good trip. Matthew got a platypus , a Tasmanian devil , a akidna , and a cockatoo ... So he was very happy.