Friday, February 15, 2013


Abraham looks to the stars as all human beings do and there he discovers the light that comes from a divine mind and revealing the generations to come after him..  Abraham is considered "the father of our faith" for the Jews, the Muslims and the Christians.
Old people shouldn't eat health foods.  They need all the preservatives they can get.
Robert Orbit.
Something to think of when dad and I get old.  Old is when you lose the twinkle in your eye and the love in your heart and the delight of a new day.  Sarah gave birth at a very old age and this reminds us  that even as we age we can birth new ideas and new life.
Dad bought a fairly good telescope so all the children could look at the stars. It was fascinating to pick out the different constellations. like the big dipper, but not always easy to see.

Abraham, father of three faiths, was a star gazer. He believed that God;   the one God, who he had come to believe in a was the only One who possess all space and all  time.  If Abram would look to the stars the promise was written in the heavens  promising many descendants, a hopeful future. This was a big concern in that culture to have descendants and who would carry on their traditions.

In the Hebrew the stars were a vision of what will be; but in the Quranic story the stars our a symbol of all that passes away. Cultural differences? Or is the One Being simply inconsistent in the way He-She sends messages to prophets?

Today we can look at the stars unveiled by the Hubble telescope, we can see light that has left its source and has taken eons to reach us. I like "the combination of ideas that both faiths see in the stars. They represent a creative past that is still moving ahead of us, reminding us of those who have gone before and by implication, of our responsibility for those who come after- our children and the land that is home.

Friday there is a funeral at the church and then Tavia is visiting after her work.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember that telescope. Never knew what the heck I was looking at. Dad said something was Venus but it just looked like a star to me.



Sandra said...

I remember the telescope too. Randy is taking a couple days off work, hopefully get our closet door hung back up in our bedroom. Maybe for Carol and Panteli to hang up their cloths in? SAndra

nancy-Lou said...

Interesting reading about Abraham and how the different faiths follow his teachings. I liked the explanation of the stars, according to the Muslim faith and the Hebrews. I like to think of my daughter in law, Melodie,who passed away Nov 23 2012, as being one of those little stars twinkling in the sky. Are you going to watch some of the curling Canadian championships? They are starting in 15 I must go and "get ready" with a cuppa! Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

I remember the telescope . Could see much from memory