Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Life can be lived as a prayer in action.

Yesterday dad went for his first walk in a long time and had no pain so that was really appreciated.

I had little choice but to stay home and resit after a very uncomfortable night.  I called it a day of complete healing and let go of some expectations and plans I had made.  I am hoping all will be well today after a much better sleep. I am trying to keep us so healthy and things do not always work out.
I am now down to one red mitten, one white glove and two black gloves for the same hand and it took no effort on my part.  Some things are hard to grow out of eh!  I have decided to look for good in others and to appreciate each day no matter what happens.  I think that appreciation for the good and the bad will somehow contribute to making better people out of us.
"God" by Deepak Chopra is being returned to the library. The book  was found under some trashy novels. It appears that we all wonder at times if God is there and listening. Through the ages prophets and priests have believed in the messages they were hearing were from God. But does the authority of saints guarantee us proof that goes deeper than reason?

I am now quoting from this book.  God is reached through an inner journey and the whole problem of proof could be settled if this journey could be verified.  (we have no footprints)  Now it is discovered that God's footprints were not invisible after all, but just hidden beneath the cranial bones in the soft tissue of the brain.  The areas of the frontal lobes associated with higher functions like compassion grow larger and stronger.

Four pathways to God are the path of devotion, the path of understanding, the path of service, the path of meditation.  "With the collapse of faith as a common inheritance, each of us must undertake the inner journey of our own choosing, but that was always true."

"Einstein respected the cosmic mystery enough to say that what astonished him most wasn't the universe, but the fact that we can know it at all.

Yes I do believe that children are smarter today.  "The mind is like a very deep river and if we dive down deep enough there is peace and calm."  There are many new ideas coming out that changes some of my earlier beliefs.

My healthy soup!   Quinoa vegtable soup!   I will try it again maybe in a day or so. Dad had some and he was not impressed but he is feeling okay so maybe I cannot blame the soup for horrible miserable night.  I think back to the many years that I had nights like that and had to get up and look after children.  Yesterday I was well  looked after.  Off for a walk later this morning.!


Sandra said...

Smarter? I don tknow. Maybe it is just compared to your own ummmm aging brain cells they SEEM smarter. It was a very random day weather wise yesterday, hope dad avoided one of the rain squalls. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes dad did but lots of water on the path,

Your brain cells are not that far behind mind so watch out.

Good luck on your test.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

I have tried Quinoa and didn't care for the taste. The soup does look good. I made meatball soup...gluten free of course..well almost, I added barley and then spent an uncomfortable time I will put gluten free pasta. Glad to hear Larry is feeling better and hope you do to Beth. Laughing at your assortment of mismatched gloves and mittens. Happens to me too...we need "silly strings". Chicken soup today with dumplings only for my husband not me! Have a great day, Love, nancy

Shandel said...

that soup looks lovely! i would love to have a recipe. Quinoa is my most favorite grain. yum yum.
did you add spice to it? Cameron does not appreciate quinoa either lol. he barely eats rice.
hope you have a better day.
we leave for Hawaii in one week. so excited.
love you all.

Anonymous said...

It came in a package Shandel with the spices in it and you add vegtables. I had some more for lunch to see if it was what upset me.
I will buy some for you when you come for a visit.
We are so excited for you two. have a wonderful time.
love grama and randpa

Anonymous said...

Very hot here last night. Hard to sleep, today is the same .the kids do their swimming lessons today.see how that goes.

Shandel said...

thank you!