Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Practice forms character.
Many spiritual practices are shared across religious traditions such as
praying at fixed hours, giving to the poor, keeping a day of rest,
fasting, and offering hospitality to strangers. 
Dad and I took a trip to the library and I found him a book on pilots in the wartime. I also got some funny D.V.D.'s. I have lots of practice looking for both books and D.V.D's.  We have had a good laugh which is always healing I believe. 

Contemporary Christian writer Brian McLaren says:   "Spiritual practices are actions within our power that help us narrow the gap between who we are and who we are becoming."  To really learn something takes practice and when that practice becomes alive and joyous then it becomes something we want to do, not something we are forced into doing.

I do enjoy going to church to be inspired and to worship with thankfulness.   
I find myself surrounded by peace and beauty and friendship.
"Practices are things we do that shape who we are as they awaken us to God and to others.  Humanly alive and alert."
What a choice we have now to choose from;   Eastern meditation or Western psycho-therapy, twelve step programs, self-help groups. spiritual retreats or private reading and quiet prayer or yoga.  There is good in all of these practices. Even in our praying we blend elements from a variety of traditions.
I think that we are in a very unique place of spiritual awakening.
"When religions are in the process of reformation or renewal, adherents frequently borrow or blend practices from other sources."  -Christianity After Religion by Diana Butler Bass.
Jesus said that new wine must be put into new wine skins to ferment (Matt. 9) and our practice of our faith can change and bring new life into the old!
Once Jesus is freed from the prison of religion, a renaissance and a reformation are possible.(Spong)  I am a Christian who firmly believes that Jesus came to set us free from condemnation and guilt and show a path that leads to an abundant life.
The soup  made was healthy but I was sick all night.  It could have been the soup and the fact I need more practice or the thing dad had and still has a bit of.


Sandra said...

Practice makes perfect, good subject as I have my first mid term on Saturday. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Both Jasmine band Matthew are incredible sponges and I am amazed as what they learn and remember daily. Matthew can quote scenes from movies and TV shows and is very funny. Hope this is your last bout of flu for a while. Very hot here today .

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you quoting Bishop Spong. I think he correct: when you free Jesus from religious doctrine you find, surprise, a chap who was suspicious of religious authority and always on the side of kindness and forgivesness. Sounds good to me.

