Friday, June 1, 2012


Don't jump to any conclusions!
Dad and I jumped into the car to head into town only to discover the gas tank was on empty.  Dad was confident we could make it into town; and really we had no time to spare.  It was raining and as we join the convey of others cars driving into the city the traffic was going at a snail pace.  I was getting more and more anxious that we may run out in the middle of all this traffic.  Dad was calm as usual.  Yes, we did make to the first gas station on Oak Street.  Dad had trouble putting the gas in because he was trying to hurry. 

The news from the eye specialist was good as his pressure is not going up unto the 20's but is 19 so it will be watched carefully.  We were so pleased it had not jumped up.

Sticking to my plan for a very early, very quick walk I rush out the door and into the rain.  I was walking fast and was just about to step off the curb when a car came skidding by in front of me.  He had tried to stop when he saw me.  But being the nibble, quick thinking athlete I am I jumped back just in time.  It was close and scared us both. 

My first thought was I do not have time to be hit by a car and my second thought was I'm sure glad I have clean underwear on just like mom taught me in case of an accident.  Yes, that is what mother's really said.

I have been jumping around in my reading from Karen Armstrong to a mystery to a real life story entitled "Why I Jumped."  I true story about a woman who tried to jump off a high bridge because she was suffering emotional and physical pain.  She was rescued at the last minute by a police man who by a miracle was able to grab her wrist and hold on to her for seconds while more help came.

She did go through electric shock treatment, pills and counseling and after many months started coming out of her depression and had help for her physical pain.   She had been a strong Christian but her faith had crumbled within her too.

She had good friends who met regularly to pray for her.  She was reading one day still in the fog of depression when she read the words "get ready to be changed,"  And she hung on to these words and over time began to heal.  She writes to help others going through the darkness of despair.

We celebrated by going to the Sylvia and the drive home was excellent.  I was too tired to go visiting to the Home and actually too tired to rest.  I did lie down but just could not nap.  Too much jumping I guess.

Sandra have a wondertful time at your shower you do a great job.

Nancy we lived in our other house 16 years.


Anonymous said...

It is amazing the power of words to give us hope. I think that is why it is so important to read inspirational and self help books. You might have to go through a lot of crap and usless drivel,but then you come across something that just resonates with your soul and it is like someone (not god, just someone) breaths new life into your soul and you can believe in life again. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Oh boy Beth....that was a close call with the car. Glad your underpants survived and glad you are a fast stepper! I chuckled when I read your comments, but that could have been very serious. Be careful to look both ways, as our mother's taught us...along with the clean underwear teachings. Mine did that too! I don't have to worry about speeding cars here...but do have to worry about marauding bears. We have two in the beach right now and to be honest, I have never worried about bears on my walks, as they always shuffle off in to the bush. BUT after that poor man was attacked by the bear, while in the outhouse and badly injured, I take bear guard on my walks and avoid the trails and travel on the dusty roads. Did you hear about the man who was attacked? It happened about a week ago in southern Manitoba. Someone asked him if he dropped a load in his drawers and he said "it was already gone!". Glad Larry received a good report from his eye doctor. Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

That was very lucky. Mom you must have good karma stored up. Remember , Stop ,Look and Listen !!!

Anonymous said...

Well, this story about almost getting hit by the car is a bit worrying. It might really be worthwhile to invest in a little flashlight or somekind of special clothing? Reflective jacket?

I mean this is bound to happen again as you will often walk in the early morning darkness and rain and fog and so on. And I'm not suggesting that you stop doing that. But some kind of special light or reflective rain gear or something would be a good idea.

Think how badly a driver would feel if they DID run you over one early and dark/foggy/drizzly morning as they were hurrying to work because they could not see you! It could ruin their life! So I think you should think of that.

What would be good, you know, is a blinking/lighted cell phone you could wear on a belt. That way you would be more visible and you would never forget your phone! But maybe there is no such thing?



beth bennett said...

Well I really usually check over my right shoulder to check if some one is turning in. I will be more careful.

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

You know, they sell reflective,red blinking lights at the dollar store, they are meant to put on a dog's collar for night time use...but they would be ideal for you Beth, but of course you don't need the collar and you are most certainly NOT a dog! You could clip them on your belt. Please do be careful, I was worried too!Love, Nancy