Thursday, May 31, 2012


Dad and I both had a busy day on Wed.  Cathy came to visit us in the morning and said a little prayer for dad. God often shows us in loving friends who care about us. She is writing a paper for her course at the university.

Dad went for a bike ride and for a walk in the park.  His hip is gradually getting better.  So that is good.  No one likes to have pain.  I think one of the most important things in life is hope. 

I wrote to my distant cousin in Australia, which is something I have been putting off.  I know she likes getting letters.  Then I went to The Pantry for our group luncheon.  Lots of talk and laughter which was also good.  I feel very loved and accepted by this group.   I am so fortunate to have so many good friends especially when I think of both Rosanna and Gunty who seem to have very few if any.

Then after I did a bit of shopping and went to the bank and both of us were happy to be home.

As I am writing dad is in his big chair right up to the T.V. watching the hockey game.  The L. A. Kings, who he is cheering for,  have just scored.

To-morrow we will be driving into town to see the eye specialist.  I will try and have a quick walk before we go. 

I could publish this to-night but then it will be said I missed a day.

Dad and I are reading a series of books by Matt Beyon Rees.  The first one was "The Collaborator of Bethlehem",  I will take a book along to read while I wait at the eye doctors.  The next book is called "A Grave In Gaza."  Fortunately they are available at the library.  On my walk around today I went into Chapters and saw at least three excellent books.  Strange sometimes there is nothing I find interesting or else there are many.  I did not even make to the religious section.

 Yes, I did cave in and buy one.

Hope everyone enjoys their day.


Anonymous said...

Right now I am just living for Sunday. Not sure I will be able to move by then, and I am sure every one will have a great time, but it sure is a lot of work to throw a baby shower! Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

You folks sure keep busy. I love book stores too and really have to exercise discretion when there. Glad you like your discussion group so much...they can be really interesting.Love the yellow lily against the dark soil. a dramatic shot...honestly you could sell some of these shots to calendar companies Beth. Also you could make beautiful calendars and give them as gifts to your family. You have a talent. Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

I hope your drive was ok downtown.I am on pm shifts at the moment.