Monday, May 14, 2012


Saturday a day of generous warmth started with a quick  walk around the neighborhood and enjoy the freshness of the air and all the trees coming out in full bloom.  I stepped out the door  the birds
 are singing and  the cats come for a visit while I pull up a few of those darn weeds  and another day began,

 I am expecting a special day dad with watching Ben play soccer.  Morgan will be there too with her dad as Theresa is doing another wedding photo opt.  When we arrive at the sports center we find there are about 10 fields with all different ages playing.  I go off to find where Ben's game is and dad waits by the car as his feet are very bad.

I find what looks like Ben's age when I feel someone hugging my legs from behind and it is Morgan of course.  I wave up at Mikie but he has sun glasses on and I cannot tell if he sees me.  Ben plays a good game and we enjoy his competitive spirit.  He is very hot and tired and comes to sit by us.  Evidently we missed the best play of the game when he aimed the ball at the net with his head!

We stopped for lunch at Milestone and then home for a nap.  Dad had promised to help serve meals at a dinner in a poorer neighborhood.  I was confused about the time but thought it best not to be too early as I knew it would be hard for dad to walk around a lot.  The trouble was the dinner was at 4 so by the time we got there it had already been served.  We could have stayed to help but looked like there was lots of help but we both felt bad about the whole thing.

Actually we barely got home in time to drive back to Langley for our discussion group.  Why are some people religious and some not.  One is that certain people may have "deficits in the intuitive cognitive process" that allows humans to grasp spiritual concepts.

A second reason some people are not religious is that they may live in strongly secular cultures, such as Canada and parts of Europe, which generally "lack cues" that support spirituality.

I found the discussion lively but confusing.  We heard about quarks that no one has seen but upon which are society has built upon.  Heightened analytical thinking can also decrease a person's spirituality.  The recognition we are all spiritual beings.

Sunday I felt very sick and confused that maybe I had eaten something said wheat-free but not gluten-free.  Talked to Sandra and Rick and Theresa on the phone and was surprised by flowers from Panteli and an amazing basket of goodies from Melina and Ken.

I was sorry to miss church but left better by supper so we went out to eat with Panteli and home to bed early.

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