Friday, May 25, 2012


                                    An unusual color of flower caught on a rainy morning.

Spirituality lives in the lives of ordinary people like you and me in different ways.

For me the early morning quiet enjoyed with coffee and toast and prayer.
First the family then others on our prayer list.

Watching the street come alive with early morning dog walkers and cars taking off for another day of work.  Picking up the newspaper and having a quick look at the happenings of the day before.

Taking pictures as I enjoy my walk on Thursday morning I walk by myself and have time to ponder my life and the day ahead.

Taking time to sit by the front window and have a second cup of coffee with dad as we watch the bees flying in and out of the blossoms on our big tree.

Taking time to enjoy the peace of the moment.

"Moments of transcendence are to be in the here and now in the everyday and the ordinary."
Robert C. Sibley

"In his seemingly secular weekday existence the human being can experience that even his daily life is borne along and carried by (the mystery we call) God. 
Karl Rahner

Dad goes off in one direction to the library to do his reseach on his ancestors, then to have a walk in the forest and finally have his blood taken for the cancer clinic.

I go to the Seniors Home to spend time bringing some joy into the lives of the elderly.  Listening to their stories and laughing with them and sharing their concerns.  There is nothing I can say to cheer up Jim but I sit and try to make conversation for awhile.  As I leave he waves good-bye.

Treating everyone with dignity and respect as we carry on in our families,
or with our co-workers, or with our children, or with our friends.

The reformation was a time when the church and it's authority and dogmatic theology was challenged.  Today people do not look upon the priestly elite as having power over us.  Religion has often been forced upon many and in doing so has been guilty of stopping the wind of the spirit from moving freely.

 What then can  influence us in our search for truth? for the spiritual?  Are our everyday experiences enough to help us through times of tragedy and sorrow?

The words of scripture, the wisdom of philosophers, the lessons of history, writers of fact and fiction and even poets have the power to bring artistic value to the experience of the sacred that dwells not in the heavens above but in our hearts. 

Dad and I end the day at the White Spot and chat to our favorite waitress.  After it is home to chocolate and hockey for dad and a mystery book for me.

Excellent morning! The birds are singing and I intend to do some gardening!


Shandel said...

i hope you really really really enjoyed your coffee :) i sure am missing coffee right now. i can smell it a block away!! lol.
Great blog today, (every day it is great) i also enjoy my morning walks where i can ponder and think about my day or life in general. Today i went much earlier then ever 645am and it was beautiful. to hear the birds and other creatures that are up, see the sun shining, the morning dew on the grass. and the town was out cutting the lawns so it smelled just like spring/summer. hope you have a wonderful day. I hope the crocks help grampa's feet. i have some and they sure are comfy, but sometimes they make my back sore...weird....
love Shandel

nancy-Lou said...

Beautiful pic of the white azalea, Beth. Lovely descriptions of your day. My favourite was the picture you painted of you and Larry, sitting at your window, with the cups of coffee, watching the bees buzzing in your tree. So precious. That is really what life is all about. Having someone to love and share these wonderful moments together! Your daily blog, is a wonderful gift to us. Thank-you,
Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Well, of course the priests don't have much sway over us these days, as we are protestants.

