Thursday, May 24, 2012


This is my new basket which was full of all my goodies.  I now use it to carry my books up and down stairs and in and out of bedrooms.  I am still enjoying tasting new treats!  I am always reading more than one book at a time.

Dad had another walk today and no hip pain.  Hurrah!

Another dear older person passed away.  So sad.  Dad and I visited him twice.  The second time I took his card I had sent to a very old address.  He had a good laugh at this.  Everyone will miss him.

Dad and I drove by our old house today on the way to get his some Crocks that we think may help his feet.  It looked so sad a real mess.  A reminder about not looking back.

I was reading the chapter on "How Little We Know"  today.  An encouragement to become sensitive to coming on too strong with our convictions so we cannot hear what others are saying.  Love and kindness should go together; as we realize how important another person is to us.  Love contains all the emotions of life;  that is a certainty.

When dad and I did go on walks together I always wanted to walk faster but now if we could walk together we would be going at the same speed.  It is hard for dad and I to see each other failing but still very thankful for so much.

Yesterday I thought it was our girls day out for lunch but I would have been a week early. The date was changed at the last minute but it had slipped my mind.  Fortunately I phoned to confirm the time. 

The spirit is like the wind that blows sometimes gently and sometimes fiercely to cleanse the earth and to allow new life to bloom.


Anonymous said...

I dont think I have ever been happy with how someone keeps up my old houses. I guess Randy is right, when some looks at my garden all they see is work (but dont tell him I ever said he is right, it will go to his head.

Anonymous said...

3am and just pulling into the airport to start work. I will stop and get a strong coffee on my way up to my office. Glad dads hip is good.

Anonymous said...

I love baskets. I could buy a dozen of them. But then they just pile up.



nancy-Lou said...

I love baskets too...but fill mine with flowers...pansies are a favourite or johnny jump-ups.