Friday, May 11, 2012


                                  Being in the silence of prayer.

I had lots of time just to contemplate as I sat in the car at the doctor's office waiting for dad.  It was sunny but felt cold to me.  Instead of 10 minutes it became closer to 40.  He has bursitis in his hip and will be getting a cortisone shot.  Came home and his feet felt worse.  Even though his feet were hurting he did way too much walking around shopping.  Went to three stores to find just the right card for me.  Also bought some things at the hardware store like a new sprinkler and some speakers so we may be able to hear the T.V. better. 

I am so blessed to have such a loving husband!

 I did my visiting at the Nursing home.  It was a very sad visit.

There are so many unanswered questions especially when it comes to the suffering that we see and at times touches our own lives.  I know that it is important to be aware of our own pain and the pain of others.  This seems to be important on our path to wisdom.  There are no reasons but one purpose can be that we become more empathetic with the suffering of others.

There is a path that journeys beyond this knowable world of facts  and  reason.
 Contemplation helps us to be more caring and thoughtful.

I have to be so careful when I walk among my garden to step on the stones, not on plants, and go slowly because I can easily lose my balance.  I have to also go carefully in my faith walk;  learning and practicing and keeping truth in balance. 

One can quote scripture to prove a point while another quote will disprove it. 

Why are we here?

Science can never replace religion in my view.  Both have to have a beginning and take us on a journey.  I was born into my parents world of conversation which came from the conversation they heard when they were born.  Different opinions are being expressed all around me, all the time meanwhile I contemplate the words I hear in my mind.  What I think and feel are all part of a process.


nancy-Lou said...

Yes, you are fortunate to have such a caring husband and he is fortunate to have a wife who appreciates him.I see so many of my friends who are alone..sad and afraid of the future. Two, who made choices to not have children, and are divorced. Now that they are in their senior years, they say, no one will be there for me when I really need them. We are truly blessed to have our husbands and our family.

larry bennett said...

Yes we must count our blessings - especially wife and familly - like Nancy - Lou, while visiting at the peace arch hospital the saddest elderly patients were those without any familly. I personally feel very blessed.

Anonymous said...

At the royal children's hospital we saw so many sick children. We are blessed are children are healthy. Matthew' s eye is ok. We go back again in 12 months time.

Anonymous said...

Science and religion are the same things. Or, more exactly, they both try to illuminate the same thing: the shape of God.

How could there be a contradiction between God and Science? The only thing we know about god for sure is that it is the thing that was there in the beginning. The uncreated creator. Science, which approaches art, if done properly, is just a better understanding of what the uncreated creator created. It would make sense to believe that the god shape draws science into itself, as it does music and all beauty. To think that God could be undermined or challenged by science is to miss the point of god.

Of course, the usual suspects (bishops, imams, rabbis, priests, pundits, popses, etc.) can be challenged by science. Because they depend on creating religious doctrine that upholds their authority, and that doctrine depends upon thoughtless obedience to old ideas that are largely, but not completely, made up from ignorance. What could such doctrine have to do with God? Absolutely nothing. Say it again: absolutely nothing.

In the end, God is a much like a song as anything. The physical universe sings god's song (or god is the physical universe's song - much the same thing.) Science cannot contradict a song, only let us see it another way. Musical notation has nothing to do with sound, but it helps us to make sound.

I say again that the very great bulk of religious doctrine is for those who cannot handle God.



beth bennett said...

Yes I agree.

Both need each other and yes I am moving away from the neeed for dogmatic belief into the faith that sings over us and in us and so a song is a good word, a good description of the goodness and holiness of God.

love mom

nancy-Lou said... always intrigue me with your comments about religion. I would like to learn more...what books do you recommend? Where does Jesus fit in? Thanks, Nancy