Monday, May 28, 2012


Our day began with watching the bike races, thw Giro d'Italia, and it was so exciting to see our Canadian boy win with a breath taking close ending. He is from Victoria.  Kenny always thought Oliver could be great at that too.  Even sent him a bike suit.

  At church we were all encouraged to wear red to celebraate the Holy Spirit coming at Penetcost.  This happened after the new believers had been waiting in prayer for weeks. One reason church is important to me is to have the input of some one that knows more about the over-all subject; some-one I would call an expert.  We all have been exposed to prejudices, preconceptions and blind spots about our own religion and the beliefs of others.  We all have our own searching to do to find the hidden secret of the life of Jesus that still lives on.  I have done and am still doing questioning, wondering, puzzling, struggling and reading.   

After church we were delighted to have a visit from Sandra and Randy.  They are always busy with some new project and now it is new windows.  Sandra was going to serenaide Randy all the way home with a musical guitar she took from our secret closet.  
Dad and I will have to make a trip over to see all they have accomplished and see if it looks as good in the real light of day.

This is the bag that hung on the door of the cloest and I saw it every day and liked to read the sayings on it.  This was the bag that held the pottery that had gone missing, and I had looked everywhere for it.  Just think it was right there all the time.  Unbelieveable!

It was an epiphanic moment so exciting because it was so unexpected.

I believe this was what happened at Pentecost.  All who gathered there were grieving the loss od their charismatic and inspirational leader.  Each day they walked with them was a day full of miracles as they saw many lives touched and healed and changed. 
They had watched and seen heard unbelieveable things.
I believe we live in a world full of enchantment if we too take time to listen and see.

This is one of those things that is not rocket science nor is it superstition but it is the glorious moments when we catch our breath and the mysterious draws close.  It just happens.  The path that we are on will leave us to these moments that takes us beyond certainty.

Mystery allows questions to be unanswered and if we exist in a world of just functioning the result is inevevitably disenchantment; when pure joy is calling to us in the wind and in the fire.

LOVE lives on in our hearts, in our minds, in our dreams and in our imagination.

It is the passion for life that gives all of life meaning!
It is in the air we breathe, the warmth we feel and the beauty we see.
It is in the hands we hold, the smiles we give and receive, the hugs and the laughter.
Every act of kindness!

LOVE penetrates deep into the heart just like cupid's arrow!

Dad and I will be going to a funeral of a dear friend today.


Anonymous said...

call fist if you are dropping by, I might run out with the girls to check on the site of Saturdays baby shower. Oh, and even though Randy said it would be impossible for him to sleep with no blinds up last night, unbelievably he did.

Anonymous said...

Yes it was a very exciting Finnish to the Giro. Canada has a new star.
How long was the pottery missing .?

beth bennett said...

The pottery was missing about two years. I think you have had some miserable weather wet and windy. Cold here again today.

Sad day going to a funneral.

love mom