Wednesday, May 9, 2012


It is not often you find one little dandelion all on it's on.  I just learned that in England dandelions at one time were made extinct; they just did not fit in those English Gardens.   I know my dad had a great dislike for them and would dig them out one by one with great dedication.  And yet children everywhere love to pick them and then blow on them when the seeds appear.

As a mother I always felt loved when I was given a specially picked bouquet!

I like having my time alone in the morning, alone with God praying for all my loved children and all the grand children and great grandchildren.  Our lives have been so richly blessed by each and every one!  I have been a little more tired in the morning and I can convince myself I am a little crazy doing this.

"Religion is what you do with your own solitude. . . and if you never take time to experience silence you are never religious."  Philosopher A. N. Whitehead.

"Solitude is the route to God. . when our desire is to penetrate to the boundaries of our being, where the mystery of life appears, and it can only appear in moments of solitude."  Monks are an example of being on a mystical quest which called them to withdraw from the busy world.

"To remain silent and alone is to be open to the influences that are crowed out of a busy life."
One of the things that need to be addressed is letting go of things or people we cannot control.
Another important tasks is to have plans but when they are not accomplished be happy to do it another day.  I know that I want to be at peace with myself.

Yesterday we set off for the bank and to buy a new compost garbage can and met someone and had coffee instead.  We are having a problem finding the right size can.

Rick arrived safe but tired from HongKong looking forward to having a burger, nothing like the taste of home.  We all headed off to bed early.  Panteli comes for coffee this morning and Rick will leave for home.  He has his car and all went according to plan!


Anonymous said...

It sure seems like there is a lot of coming and going these days, none of us seem to sit still for long. After our long drive yesterday we are hoping to just walk around Hollywood today. It is supose to be 31 though and we both allready have burnt scalps.

Anonymous said...

Was snowing on the Coquahalha going home (not sticking, but there were snow-flakes), which makes quite a change from Hong Kong.

