Sunday, May 20, 2012


Lilacs remind me of the home I grew up in with a lilac tree outside the bedroom window.
I like how the flowers bloom here gradually.

Our lives are full of good memories some even from childhood!  

Thankfully there is a rhythm to what I call the spiritual life which is all about relationships.
Learning to live with another person requires honesty and patience and committment.,

It was very exciting to see how happy Mathew and Jasmine were on the visit with skype as they showed us there new bunk beds.  Talking with ken was a little more difficult with little heads popping in and out of the screen and little voices trying to tell us things.  Lots of fun.  Children certainly change our lives and once they are born they enter our hearts and we cannot immage life without them.

We enjoyed our evening out at the barbecue with Cathy and Glen as we gather to celebrate Glen's birthday and also Gracelyn's.  We were entertained by the little fellow Uri who is the same age as Jasmine.  I did not really feel like going but I value their friendship and of course was glad I had gone.

I wrote twice yesterday to send Ken a message of where we would be and when we would be home to skype.


Anonymous said...

It is nice to think Randy and I are learning how to vacation together. I did way better on this trip then the first one to Australia, and I am sure the next one will be even better.Sandra

Anonymous said...

True that sister, it is hard to vacation with someone.
Thanks for calling when you got home mom. You both looked tired. The kids do want to see and talk to you and we're very excited to show you their new beds. Jasmine woke at 1am then Matthew had a nightmare at 4am... Ugh