Thursday, May 10, 2012


This was taken outside the airport a place we just discovered as we walk in to pick up Rick on Tuesday.

Early the next morning Rick and I were able to have a short walk before having breakfast with Panteli and dad.  Rick was anxious to get home to his own place.

Then dad went for a long walk in the forest; the pills may be helping a little but they will take time.
I was off to our final Bible study at the church.  Our questions touch on our personal life's as well as the lives of those we are studying.  I find this group very helpful and caring as we learn and laugh and love together!

Faith and belief are in my mind totally different.  The problem started as Christianity was adopted by Greco-Roman culture.  Belief was a matter of the mind expressed in dogma and creeds etc.  This has now caused a split between religion and spirituality.  I, for one, enjoy going to church but I can appreciate that for others they have a faith that is real to them but does not have to be expressed in attending a worship service.

Christian spirituality is a way of living and loving that allows for the beauty of Jesus to shine through and reflect the joy of being alive.

Faith is like living water which I tried to capture in this picture.  Jesus invited all to come and drink from the well of living water.

Faith is the heart of our belief but it is a decision not based on certainity or knowledge but on need and hope that gives one a spirit of confidence and trust.

Belief stress the need to be rational but when belief is proved wrong where does that leave faith?
We are all irrational beings who at times are lead by our emotions our, intuitions, our creativity that encludes all art forms. 

What we dare dream or imagine today can come true and I know that my truth is based on faith.


nancy-Lou said...

Faith is like living the analogy Beth. Flowing, always there to refresh us. Really interesting comments about belief as well...there are so many beliefs and no one, should impose their belief on another, should they? We each are entitled to believe what we want, thanks to our charter of rights and freedom. We are all so very different. My faith is my has seen me through some difficult times. Packing up the studio today, to travel and teach a workshop on native art. So blessed to be able to do what I love. Thanks for your daily posts, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Looks like fantastic weather for this weekend. We are going to Nonnas house for mothers day on Sunday. Melina and I may do lunch and a movie on Sunday as well.