Saturday, May 5, 2012


Religion is a celebration of life that can be joyful as well as reverent.

Maybe religion is a simple as the bread and the wine.

 The bread is the staff of life that nourishes and strengthens us.  The wine relaxes and lifts our spirits
A time for confession, of letting go,  and a time for prayer  thanksgiving and a time for healing..
In my words I would say that religion is like stepping stones that help keep us on the right path; and provides for me a way to express my faith.

Going back in the Bible religion seemed to be built on obedience to what they believed was the voice of God.  Even with all their human frailty they recognize moments of holiness that would stir up within their souls a desire to worship by building alters/

Religion means many different things to different people and certainly different cultures.  The problem occurs when one group think they know it all and they have found the only true path.  Each tradition is unique, with it's own forms of insights and expressions; and yet there is a common thread that runs through all religions.

Where there is light there is also shadows and these shadows move and take different shapes so there is a sense that the mystery that is God is always moving and flows into us as unconditional love and out of us as unconditional love.  We are on a spiritual, sacred journey that is one of discovery.  Each of us experiences this in different ways and in different times in our lives.

I know that I live in a secular world but I could not function or even imagine my life without some religious beliefs that hopefully help me to want to help others because of what I feel that I have been given.  I believe that I have been given a gift of faith that is both simple and yet powerful.

"Religion is neither a theological nor an intellectual virtue," says Thomas Aquinas,  "but a moral virtue. . . .not tested by emotion but by the fairness of the actions we offer to God."

The importance of belief is in finding the true God to put our faith into.  We all have our reasons deep inside of us for why we choose to believe or not to believe.  When I visit my friend Jim I feel sad because he has no belief and yet only God could have been the One who sent me to visit him among all the other people I could be visiting.

Just a few thoughts.

Dad was not so sleepy yesterday.  Talked to Leah on the phone and she said she took something similiar for her nerve pain.

Panteli has moved over to Sandra's and the house seems quiet this morning.  He certainly was no trouble.  I do not think it is raining this morning but still feels cool.

Glad   Sandra and Randy are sending pictures from where they are.  Good!

1 comment:

nancy-Lou said...

Interesting writing on religion and belief......I especially like the writings about the light and shadows and how they move....(dance) and how God is there for us. Religion is something I am growing away from..I like the simplicity of the way Christ ministered to his flock. Belief and faith are growing ever stronger. I haven't been going to church...teaching our minister music lessons and think I will talk to her about this. I would like to exchange music lessons for teachings and discussions about faith and beliefs. I may go back to church, miss the church family and communion. Love, Nancy