Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Too busy to clean so I have been sweeping everything under the rug so I guess now I will have to do sone dusting and cleaning.  Seems very quiet here.  I seem to go from one task to another.  Washing and folding laundry, rearranging some furniture, then outside to water and weed, then finally over to the store to get the bread dad forgot to get.  He did an excellent job shopping but often we forget to get what we went for.

Dad is extremely happy we are not driving out to Chilliwack and so am I. I know that I am feeling tired and so is he.   We drive to the library and then he is off for a bike ride.  Later in the day he will try a walk around the block but his hip hurts a lot and he had to stop and rest.  He did take his cane and it gave him something to lean on.

Sometimes there are things that stress us that cannot be dealt with my sweeping them under the rug or ignoring them; but can be dealt with gently in our own way and in our own time,

We were able to sit out in the back yard and enjoy the sunshine.  The whole day seemed to just fly by and there is still plenty left to do to-morrow.

Happiness for us both was just enjoying the day and even though it was not perfect we know that happiness is loving and enjoying life;  moment by moment and each day will produce moments of happiness.

Today we will be joining Jane and Geof at Zeller's just for fun!  I am thinking it must be so cold for those who are visiting here.  I am finding it cold!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cold , it was 1c when I walked out of the airport at midnight last night. Now that's cold ( for us ).