Wednesday, June 6, 2012


It is always amazing when you plant those tiny seeds and they start to grow. I look at the huge trees that seem to reach the sky and I think of all the years it took for them to grow and become big and strong.

"The Kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed. . . ."  Mathew 13:24

Here appeared this man out of  nowhere looking very ordinary until he spoke and began teaching in parables.  In his parables Jesus caught the attention of his listeners.  He knew the problems they faced in their lives, and that they were living in a fearful time under the domination of Rome.  Yet, he revealed a new way of looking at life that planted seeds of hope and faith within each heart.

A story gives us things to think about and ponder.   I can invest my own personal interest making a sincere effort to find the deepest meaning then it is like drinking living water that quenches the thirsty soul.  Each one that hears will hear differently and if we can use our imagination we just may find the treasure that has been there all along.

Seeds do not grow if they are not planted and watered.  A message that takes root in the heart and has the power to heal and transform, with cultivation.  Become like  little children who ask again and again  "why"

 Be curious with an unquenchable curiosity and do not be easily satisfied.  The kingdom that Jesus taught about challenges us to see with new eyes and to feel with a compassionate heart.


nancy-Lou said...

I was planting some seeds today, swiss chard, lettuce,along with some herbs ( love rosemary )and green onion bulbs and was contemplating your thoughts about seeds. To me planting seeds...means hope...that they will grow and multiply and feed us....the way that planting spiritual seeds do too! HOPE! Great blog, Nancy

Anonymous said...

What about shawna and Stephen?i have asked for leave in September and if I get it we will venture up over to Sunny Vancouver.