Wednesday, June 13, 2012


                                Maybe the Devil's Hockey team  should change their name?

It certainly seems time to end the hockey season and it was not their time to win.

One of the sayings that was popular years ago  was "the devil made me do it".

Reading the gospels Jesus came across his own type of devil.  At that time and for many years after people believed in a good and a bad spirits.  These spiritual beings had great power.  For us in our modern world of facts the thought of demons and devils seem more like outdated superstition.  I think that Jesus came to expose the evil that held many captive as it seems also to do today. 

Deliverance was to bring into the light the compassion that God had for all and his desire that a new life force could restore healing and bring reconciliation!

Jesus confronts evil in people, in those who hide behind religiosity, in whose in   political power and in respected positions.  Jesus even names the evil in his own followers.  To Peter he says. get behind me Satan."  And we are told that Satan enters Judas and Judas betrays him.

So where do fear, dark thoughts and nightmares came from?  They come to us all, every one.
I still believe in the power of prayer and the power of laughter and tears.

Dealing with the negative can be like dealing with the boggy man in the closet or under your bed; until you find out the truth. 

Dad had pain in both his hips yesterday so had to do a lot of stopping and resting.


Anonymous said...

You have double pictures again. I am glad that hockey is over, not that I watch it. But just knowing it is still going on in June just seems wrong. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

"The devil made me do it" You are funny! You are right, we did say that years ago. I took Dinty for a walk, looking for pink ladyslippers..didn't find any, but got two woodticks. There has been a lot of ticks this year. Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Good on the year is the Canucks year .