Friday, June 8, 2012


When I look far into the distant on the shore of the ocean I think of my family, especially in Australia, so far away.  I wonder if they will be able to come for the wedding.  That would be wonderful but. . . .

As I was praying and thinking about so many people who are not well I am amazed at the answers to prayer but they all took time.  It may be a nasty sore throat and cold, or a stomach upset or cancer etc.

Where there is life there is love; not always expressed or felt but it is there.  We are on this journey to become more loving and to find healing for our souls as well as our bodies.

I believe in the healing miracles of Jesus that continue to give us the assurance of the impossible.
He was able to speed up the time that healing usually takes because the life within the sick person responded to his love.  He tells one man by saying "Your faith has made you well".  Another person he sets free by telling him his sins are forgiven.  Jesus looks upon the heart and sees our goodness and potential and we all need to be seen that way. 

My faith enables me to see the healing acts of Jesus as a powerful message that the kingdom of heaven is here with us, surrounding us, and healing us.  Every time healing occurs through prayer combined with medication and healthy living it is a miracle and with time/

The people were right when they wanted to crown Jesus as King because he was the one who was opening doors, and eyes and ears and hearts to the good kingdom that is near each one of us.

I am amazed at the tiny flowers that appear suddenly in the midst of my somewhat over grown shrubs.  So tiny I never see them until I look closely and sometimes they appear in front of me as I am pulling out weeds.

Not every seed that is planted will grow.  There will aways be sickness.  Even as I write this I am struggling with morning sickness and I set out in the rain with no breakfast.  Wet and bedraggled I climb back in bed for 20 minutes.  This was Thrusday morning not today.  I am good!

A good excuse to spend the morning reading.  I am reading an excellent book called "God's Hotel".
A hospital that is modeled after what was amshouse in the Midle Ages.  All our treated as equal even the very poorest are given excellent care.  They are treated as people not as a disease.  An amazing story of courage and brave hearts!  Also goes back into the history of medicine.

I felt much better as the day wore on and was able to go visiting.  It was very fortunate I did because they needed some one to sit with Freda.  She has had a very nasty fall and now is very confused.   She is a very sweet and polite lady.   They are looking for a place with more care.  I enjoyed my time with her even when she was confused and talked about her mother.  Then she woulf laugh and say what am I saying my mother is dead, but I am 93 you know.  She had a little sleep sitting in her chair and then woke up talking away.  She is always so happy to see me.

After supper we had a quick trip to the library for some new D.V.D's.

Stephen and Shawna are engaged and are planning to be married I think Sept. 2

My granddaugher and her daughter have celiac and I think my dad's sister had it as she was always sickly.  I am putting heat on my "pregnant belly" and it seeems to help.  lol

What a difference a day makes, even the sun is smiling!


Anonymous said...

September 22 is the plan for right now. But who knows, when Shawna getts here next week and if there is somewhere she loves that is only avaiable on a different day, maybe things will change. Randys dad said he would email but we have not heard yet about his moms ultra sound, and he refuses to carry his cell phone with him. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Healing, another interesting topic Beth. Faith and healing seem to go hand in hand. I was never a believer in the power of laying on of hands and almost instant healing...BUT years ago one of my piano students mothers had stage 4 lymphoma and was dying. They had a strong faith and her husband was very supportive and strong.Her church gathered around her and prayed and you know what? she was cured! She felt a warm, sunny yellow light go through her body and she was stronger instantly, and walked up the stairs at her home, something she was not able to do for many weeks...and it was so miraculous, that she was written up in the Canadian medical journal. It was amazing to see her afterwards..healthy. I knew her for 5 years after this, until we moved away...and I would bet she is still healthy all these years later. It left a powerful memory with me..and as I write I still feel the excitement, 35 years later. So once again you have spurred my thoughts today, with your writings. You have a gift! Still laughing over your "pregnant belly"...although it isn't a laughing matter when you suffer the pain. Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you feeling better mom. and nice to see the suns out.