Monday, June 4, 2012


Dad and I spent time in the afternoon walking through the trails in the Water-Shed Park.  He led the way, but did make one wrong turn, and showed me how to navigate with our walking poles the mucky wet places. 

We did not go out with our group after church because his throat was feeling sore and he did not feel like talking.  They had a fun time I heard.  After church there was cake and flags to remind us of the importance of the day that had begun with a celebration of the Queen riding down the river.  She has done an amazing job.  Of course everyone loves Kate and William because they are young and a couple that seem well suited to the role they are going to be expected to fill.

I suppose each in our small way we are playing roles. 

I think that our beliefs are important, what we believe about ourselves and about others.

"Even in our torn and conflicted world that have been many people who have achieved heroic levels of empathy, forgiveness, and concern for everybody."K. A.   We can think of Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa and many others.  They have taught us to respect all life and to show others that peace can make a difference.  The Dali Lama has brought us a fair and calm way to approach life.

I loved the story in church today about the little boy hearing the wind speak to him words of inspiration.  It is good for me to be reminded how important the words I speak, sometimes so very carelessly, are important.

Skyped Carol and Kim and got caught up in their news.  Sounds like they are becoming champian swimmers!

Sometimes it is not easy to find the right path in life and if we do it can be mucky!


Anonymous said...

Randy and I were going to stop by yesterday after a Costco run, but I happened to point to a tree that I wanted Randy to chop down for me, and for emphasis I gave it a pull, and low and behold it came out of the ground! So we ended up pulling out about 6 of the dead shrub things, chopping them up and burning them. No groceries, no Costo. Needless to say my day of relaxing after the shower did not happen. Sandra

Anonymous said...

So sorry that Larry's throat was bothering him yesterday . We missed you at lunch which was a bit like an English street party lots of fun and quite loud. Love Jane.

nancy-Lou said...

Mucky here too, even though our ground is mostly sandy. We had a huge thunderstorm last evening with a torrential downpour that would rival the bible stories. There were tornado warnings for our little town too, but thankfully, none came.
The story about the little boy who heard the wind speak to him, is fascinating. I tell native stories to children and then we "paint" the story....sounds like a plan!
I hope Larry is feeling better today...your walk in the park sounds wonnderful. One day I would like to walk it with you. Mondays are busy in the office, so must run. Love, Nancy