Friday, June 15, 2012


Welcome Shawna!  Looking for forward to having a visit.
 I know you girls, you and Sandra will be very busy with all your planning.  A very exciting time!

Yes, I know that dad has to take his pill the same time every day so I make sure he takes it when I return from my walk.  Yes, I know it is not for normal pain.  He had a short walk to the end of the street but his hips were hurting.  Maybe he should go back to the doctor?

I am reminded of the book I am reading about the Laguna Honda Hospital (God's Hotel) when I go visiting on Thursday.  This was a place of healing and refuge that valued the caring of the body and soul that is the true medical care.  A place special for the chronically disabled, a place to shelter them and rehabilitate them if possible.  A ward consisted of fifteen beds to a side; each bed had a window.  A ward had a mixture of different patients which worked well as some of the healthier could help those disables.

Patients like Mr. Biggson, blind from birth, mentally retarded, prone to seizures was treated with warmth and kindness.  He was silent and yet he was listening.  He was blind and yet he was aware
of movement around him.  He taught everyone that every life has purpose and meaning even when it appears not to be useful. 

There was Paul who had no legs and all he wanted was a fishing jacket to keep things in because he had no trousers.

Charity was as much a part of this hospital as the nursing care.  "Charity in the medieval sense of a personal action evoked by dearness and contributing to the well being of its giver as well as its receiver.

I think that because I was sitting with Jim the activity worker took notice of him and got us two ice cream bars.  He was more than willing to eat mine as well as his.  Then I went to visit two new ladies as Edith has gone to receive more care and is in Langley now, and I was amazed how welcoming these new ladies were.  The one shared a lot of her life with me including the death of her daughter and her separation from her husband that resulted from this.

I have heard so many life stories I guess I could write a book. 

Anyway if you comment tell me what book or books you are reading?   


nancy-Lou said...

God's Hotel sounds as though it would be "right up my alley!" I am going to see if our small local library can bring it in from the Winnipeg library. We have a lot in common Beth and should meet one day!Even our reading choices and telly shows ( the English mysteries ) are similar. I am reading a book called Wild, from lost to found on the Pacific Crest Trail. It is a story about a woman who hasn't lived a very moral life...and is searching for the real meaning of hasn't totally captured me, but I am chugging onwards. We had torrents of rain yesterday, 2 1/2 inches, along with hail. The kids on the school bus saw a funnel cloud and freaked out...according to one of my piano students. Today is calm and sunny,so my outdoor potted plants will hopefully dry out. They are water logged. You must have a takes a special person to have the time, compassion and patience to visit the folks in the nursing homes. Especially the cranky ones! Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

As you know l am reading Heaven is for real by Todd Burpo About his son's amazing experieces whilst undergoing surgery for a burst appendix. Also l am reading the 11th
commandment by Jeffrey Archer . l really enjoy his books , very entertaining. Jane,

Anonymous said...

I am reading Game of Thrones, well trying to, I bought it when I was in Canada last february. Too busy at work to read , at home the kids won't let me read, then it's lights out so the kids will sleep. I have tried to read with the kids in bed , they just play around.