Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Deceiving.  Looks like a pile of snow but it is all the fluff coming off the cotton-wood trees.  Dad and I walked in the forest together and it was falling all around us.  Usually it makes me sneeze and my eyes water but I had no re-action.  I had not gone for my walk in the morning so I enjoyed our walk together!

I will add Randy and his mom and dad to my prayer list.  This must be very hard on him and Mitch .

Everyone feels that it should be spring but they are only deceiving themselves if they think June is a warm month.

I was deceived when I went to pick up what I thought was a rock, but found it is a mushroom.  A very big one at that.

I went to the store first thing this morning and sure enough the Biscotti Biscuits were in the gluten-free zone and right under them it said gluten free.  I show one of the head ladies and she said she would take care of it.  I told her that it had made me sick, very sick.  The first ingredient is wheat and it also has barley.  When we returned to do our shopping they had not been removed so I took a bunch and moved then over to the other side of the sign.  I was very annoyed.  The cashiers were all very busy and I was still feeling rotten so did not complain but now that I am home I think I should have.
Lots of people may think this is just a fad but I was doubled up with pain last night and felt awful.  I am trying so hard to avoid the darn stuff because I know I suffer if I don't.

So they were being deceitful advertising it as something it was not and then promising to fix it.

Dad and I loaded up our car with our groceries that were 10 % off and now he is off to the cancer clinic to discuss the latest blood tests.  He will be tested again in 6 months to see if the P.S.A. is going up.  He appears to be not worried about it.  Dad has a rash on his leg which he needs to treat very carefully as with no circulation that is not good.

We have all these great groceries but no one felt like cooking so dad had sandwiches with roast beef lettuce and guacamole and then enjoyed a fancy muffin.

Has the church deceived us about what the real message of Jesus.  And yet reading the words of Jesus you find he does not give direct answers and he uses parables most of the time.  Was Jesus deliberately hiding his message?  We know that giving a person a list of do's and don'ts is not an effective way to help people change.  A mystery that can be unraveled and solved each time we find new clues makes the search for the spiritual reality more exciting.

One thing Jesus seemed to be saying was that each of us has hidden potential.

Watch out that you are not deceived.  Luke 21:8
It was raining very heavy at about 4:30.  I love umbrella's.

The Queens' Jubille has been a wonderful display of love and happiness.


nancy-Lou said...

Lots of good examples of deceiving Beth. Shame on that grocery store for not being vigilant regarding the gluten free section. They have a responsibility there and they didn't live up to it. Sorry you had to suffer the consequences,and only another "celiac sufferer" really understands how sick you can be. I find most others just "blow it off!"
You should tell the store manager. I hope you are feeling better today. The window cleaner just to run..but rest if you aren't well Beth. Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Yes the outpouring of love ,pride and happiness was wonderful to see and experience even if it is vicariously through the magic and wonder of the T.V .hoping to see you soon. love, Jane

Anonymous said...

Randys mom is a lot better this morning, her fever is gone and she is just waiting on an ultra sound now to see what hopital will do her surgery. Oh, and I caught dads cold. Sore throat and runny nose today.Sandra

beth bennett said...

/sorry Sandra you caught the cold. It can make one feel miserable.

Yes, Nancy, I went back to the store today and compained to the managers. Show me the one said. So I did. He said well yes someone put it in the wrong place but you know you should check
I told him it made me really sick and I left.

love mom (Beth)