Sunday, August 10, 2014


Jesus was a listener who urges us to be listeners.  According to what the prophets thought about what God may have said
they had heard Him saying  "I will hear because I am compassionate."  Exodus 22:27

Job's lament was that he wanted some one to listen to him.  Job:31:35  Even believers call out for some one out there to be listening.

I like the book of Ezekiel for many of the prophecies recorded.   "The Lord God said: Prophesy to these bones and say to them, dry bones hear the word of the Lord."  Ezekiel did and the breath entered them, they came to life and stood up on their feet.  A new covenant is promised that they would receive a new heart and a new spirit and remove the heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.

Jesus called the crowd to him and said: "Listen and understand."  :He who has ears, let him hear,"
P8081914"Blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear."  "Listen to what the parable of the sower means."  He explains his words to the disciples and I am sure the crowd of people would go home after hearing it and ponder what it meant.

 I grew up with a very talkative brother  who often was trying to explain at mealtimes his poor grades.  I did well because I listened well at home and at school.  There would still be times when I got in trouble, once for talking in school.

I have become a little frustrated when I am just a listener and my opinion is not important.  Even my note was not really understood and one friend suggested I was experiencing the "Dark Night Of the Soul".
I am sure they would have gathered around me to pray for me, and this would be with a loving spirit but I would not be comfortable.  There have been times when I have needed healing prayer and it was helpful.

Yes I have changed on my journey towards the light  with the dim light that I have.
"This little light of Mine, I am going to let it shine."

In the movies when something spiritual happens there is a blinding light that awakens fear and awe, what I feel is that the light that shines upon me is more like the gentle dawn that gradually takes away the darkness.  I am at peace with this.

Saturday afternoon Dad and I looked at a few houses in our area for sale.  One had a bedroom with a balcony that looked down on the living room below.  There were doors that could be closed.  I always look for little spots I can sit in and even enjoy listening to sounds  outside the window.

Church today and I hope nothing interrupts us we get ready to leave which it has been doing.  I do not like being late but it is becoming a very bad habit.

I know if ten people say you are wonderful it only takes one negative comment to erase them from your mind.  I find the negative often speaks louder that the affirming voice.

I have to listen to my own body which is telling me I do not feel well.  Dizzy with a headache but had a short walk. 


Sandra said...

I think that is because so much of praise is false or not truly heartfelt but we feel like criticism comes from complete honesty. But that is bunk. A lot of criticism comes from others biases and own personal crap. Right now I am practising letting go of expectations. If your expectations of your note being understood were not met I guess they were too high : ) Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

You spoke the truth to your friends...something that many find difficult to do, and I admire that Beth.
You are a courageous person who writes with honesty and speaks truly what they feel.
Often criticism comes from the persons own insecurity. Don't take it to heart....I am sure your place in heaven has long been assured! The self righteous have no place in my heart!

Are you and Larry thinking of moving? Or are you looking at houses for Carol and Pantelli?

I too, like to be a can learn a lot!
my favourite time for being a listener is winter on a cold crisp day. It is so calm and peaceful that even the sounds of the raven's wings 'whooshing' as they fly overhead, sound very loud. WHOOSH, WHOOSH.
Footsteps crunching as I walk down the path on the original homestead of the Ateah Grandparents...seeing and hearing things they saw over a hundred years ago.Bluejays, rabbits, coyotes and sometimes weasels. Yes, being a listener can take me back a hundred years. It was the sound of the wind in the jack pine trees that attracted the Ateah Grandparents to live here, on the hill in Victoria beach...the sound reminded them of the wind in the Cedar trees in Lebanon.

Have a wonderful Sunday,
Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy we were just talking about your grandparents with Carol at lunch.

Carol and Panteli are looking but feel like there are too many choices where to move and what to move into.

I was also thinking of winter today I guess with the mornings getting darker.

Have a pleasant day.

love beth

Enjoy your