Monday, August 18, 2014


This is our old house being transformed to look like new.  Sad in a way because we had so many memories of our happy times there.

Looking back over the years remembering happy times.
DSCN5175Three big bedrooms upstairs with a amazing view and a balcony off the master bedroom.  It was three stories high overlooking a sheer cliff  right below.  I was extremely nervous going out on it at first and was also worried about the little children like Mary and Kim who were about 3.  I was busy doing something and all of a sudden I looked around and they were no where in sight and they were out on the balcony trying to climb up to get a better view.
Here is a view of the side of the house and a lower balcony.

The bath rooms were very small but there was a shower and a bath tub but no on suite also a powder room on the main floor and a bathroom down stairs.  The area could be and was used as a suite for Rick, Oliver, Kim and Christopher.  Leah spent some summer holidays with us doing crafts etc.  Theresa and her made menus and served us tea.  Lots of fun.

Stephen and Cameron stopped by when they were working for their day in the days when he had a moving company.  Very hard working and always a joy to see.
Sandra and Mary often made a trip, one time to paint our hallway ,just before my lung cancer operation.  Ken and Rick were also here during that time.

The front of the house has been complete;y changed.


DSCN5178This home brought us together as a family.  There were Christmas gatherings as well as summer holiday fun.  There were Easter egg hunts and late night sleep-overs.  A happy occurrence was when we got a phone call from a lost adopted child who had often come to mind but we wondered if we would ever find her. She too came home and has gradually become a part of our family.  A happy, helpful caring intelligent bunch.

We had a neighbor's dog who would come into our house and take a shoe home with him.  There was also a stray cat that made his home with us.

The flowers we planted are gone and big bushes removed but out big rock remained.  It was very hard to leave and start a new life in a smaller house in a more developed area.  We really felt the loss of our old house when Ken and Melina came with their three children.
This is our new home.  Looks bigger than it really is.  It is small and cozy, a perfect home for a grandma in retirement.

This picture on the right is Melina and Ken and family in Australia.

We still had lots of fun here and although it was crowed everyone where good sports.

We have room for our grand daughter Kim to settle in here for her latest adventure at colledge .  She will have a busy schedule with finding work too.

Below is the picture of big brother Jesse with Matthew  and Jesse.  It is taken in Melbourne and this is before their trip here.  I have spent a long time trying to find pictures of them here but did not succeed.  Fortunate now others in the family will have pictures and will have the big parties.
ken photo 177


nancy-Lou said...

I would be sad to leave our home and come back and see major changes to it too. It is as if the memories disappear too..although you did a fabulous job of remembering them. Many happy memories.

Sure was a lovely lot with the cliff and overlook.
I learned a lot from your blog today, including the fact you had lung, that must have been a life changer for you and your family. I am so glad you survived, Beth and recovered. You have so much to give to the world...with your strong faith and love for others.

We finally are receiving rain and it is most welcome. The fire danger here was high and with so many summer people here we worry.
Once we had a small forest fire in the cottage area when cottagers threw BBQ coals in the bush. Another time we had a large forest fire across the road from us and we darned near lost our home. That is the one time in my life I got in trouble with the RCMP, almost went to jail! BUT that is another story!

When did you move to your lovely home,where you live now?

I am going to pick up a kitten today, for my son. He was found in the reserve at 10 at night along a highway...4 weeks old. He is now 6 weeks...soooo cute.

Well lots to do...gotta go!

Love to you both,


beth bennett said...

That sounds like an interesting story Nancy. I am thankful you are not in jail nor have ever been.
Quiet day for me as Kim and her mother Carol have gone to see Oliver's new home.
Would be nice to travel eh!
love beth

Anonymous said...

Amazing changes . Maybe penteli and carol can buy it back? I am home with an ear infection , 24 hours of drops and I can hear better already.

larry bennett said...

I think they will be asking in the range 1.3 million.

Earaches are very painful - glad the drops are working so fast. Have you tried washing them with a squirter?

The lions are doing much better now - did you see the last game.

Our girls came in second win the rugby world cup -

Sandra said...

The house does look nice though, bet they have made much better use of the space. Sandra

Steady-as-rain said...

I liked that house just the way it was.

Oh well. Nothing stays the same forever.

