Tuesday, August 5, 2014


P8041871It was an amazing long week-end for all of us as children travelled from one home to another and then spent three days with Grandma and Grandpa Carol. 

Haiti the dog was also transported and was very happy to see Sandra when she arrived in the morning yesterday with
Sandel and Cameron.  So nice of them to come over and visit us.
When they first arrived dad and I greeted them in the pool and that was the last place we left them.

Theresa is anxious to drive them to Abbotsford Airport in time for their flight home.
Morgan is learning to do handstands in the water as well as on land.
Haiti enjoys being beside Carol.

So once again things were the way it always works out in the end. 

Just the way it was meant to be.

A happy family having fun.

I have learned that it maybe a good idea to take my sunglasses off when I take pictures and maybe even wear my glasses.
Thank you Sandra for the advice and bringing us a soaker hose a great fantastic way to water.


 Haiti was on guard first thing in the morning barking at the racoons trying to come over the fence in to our yard.  The crows were also flying around about making an awful racket.

It was so hot in our room last night dad and I were tempted to sneak into the pool at Sandra's.  We are very quiet swimmers and do not splash at all.


Sandra said...

I often wonder if people sneak into the pool in the night, we would never hear them as we are in the front and have our air conditioner running. Yes, another great weekend, except I forgot to plan for supper last night. Oh well. Sandra

beth bennett said...

I could have brought something over but I think that visitors have to step in especially at my house. Look and see what is there and be creative.
We are all getting older and like us you often do not bother with supper especially if one has lunch.
You did wonderfully!
Cameron and Shandel were fantastic company.
love mom

Shandel said...

it was such a wonderful weekend. lots of fun activities and down time. just what we needed. always a little sad to leave and also happy to be in our own bed and home with our fur babies. they were happy to see us. Great photos Grandma, you really are the Master photo taker. i love it. and you even captured Morgan at her best handstand under water. Be sure to show her that as she was very proud. Thank you for your warm welcome and lots of hearty hugs. i just loved your garden and took many photos of it. i shared them on FB for you to see. :D have a happy day.