Monday, August 25, 2014


We stopped at a farmers market in Chilliwack, a very quaint place.
P8232136I cannot help to think how rich we are to live in this land of plenty and beauty.  When scripture talks about the promise of riches   I believe is talking about spiritual riches that are a resource for us to draw upon in any circumstances, especially when sad things happen.

We so often want it to fulfill our own self interest which can be wanting to be rich.

I am looking for inspiration in a person and in a faith.

I want to have a true joy that comes from within and enables me to be happy even when I may be a bit under the weather.  This is my Sunday sermon to myself.

Dad and I were treated like special guests when we went to the wedding.  It was outside in a garden setting and we were found nice seats in the sun.  This we appreciated as the sun was getting warm.
All Tavia's sisters were there with the three small children.  All under two and adorable.

We met Tavia at the nursery at church when she was a terrible two and what a handful she was.  We were tired out by the time the children were picked up.  I became friends with Cathy her mom because at that time Sandra had moved to Edmonton and Carol's children were at school and I had time to give Cathy a break from her family of five girls.  I would go once a week for the morning and make lunch and do a few things around. 

Later when they got older they came to our house one at a time for a sleep over.  A few times I looked after them while she took a ferry to Victoria to visit her sister.  Dad and I at that time also took food to the poor which was donated to the church and we gave them food too.  Cathy and her husband where separated and he did not support them.

They were not close to grand parents so we kinda filled that role.  We were invited to all their birthdays and school graduations etc.

Tavia was a beautiful bride and her fiancĂ© very attentive.  We are happy for them both.  We left early as dad had an upset stomach.  What a pair we are!


1 comment:

nancy-Lou said...

We have two farms nearby that sell all kinds of vegetables, flowers and jams. One is organic...which suits me to a T! I love the earthy smell and all the colours, when I walk in to their veggie building.We are truly blessed aren't we? I enjoy the chats that come with the purchases...about the weather, or farming.
My goodness you and Larry have lived a life of goodness...helping out those in need. There is no self interest in you two! Giving to others as Christ would want us to do. Tavia and her family sound like a lovely family.

Have a good day.
Love, Nancy