Friday, August 1, 2014


Very early in the morning of another very warm day.
 For me (maybe not for the Aussie’s.)

Dad and I head off to the library for some children’s books.

I had fun finding and reading them.  I love the illustrations.  Now wouldn’t anyone rather read “How to wash a Woolly Mammonth” or “The Snatchabook”  Who is stealing all the stories.  Morgan read this one to me. 

Then I suggested a car wash to keep them busy.  Well it turned out a bit of a disaster.  Soon they were squirting one another as kids will always do.  Morgan sure did not like getting wet but I think Ben could take it fine!

Everyone pitched in except the oldies to set the table and eat outside.

Sandra dropped by as she was in the neighborhood and kindly offered to take the munchkins over to her house for a swim.  That made them all happy especially Ben who had been acting his age and acting bored.
Kimberly left about 3 as she is going away to Kelowna on Friday.
Carol and Panteli  came and picked up the children around 7:30
Should I go back to reading “Your Brain is Evolving”?  or read about “Elf The Eagle”?
I do not really expect an answer.


nancy-Lou said...

Great family pics, Beth...even Haiti got in the photo! Aren't the children growing quickly?

We had some unusual visitors yesterday....three men who are looking for a Sasquatch! Yes, Bigfoot! They heard that I saw one and wanted some information. And, YES, I did see one along the highway in a remote are that is low and along a creek. ME, the original skeptic! Quite a few Sasquatch have been seen there. These fellows have a camera, along with some bait, set up in the bush at a different location. They are going to move it to the creek area. We ended up visiting for over two hours and learned a lot of history about their home town in western Manitoba. So one never knows what the day will bring!

I see it is hot in Vancouver too...we also have humidity which sure makes the " old joints" complain in the morning!

Have a great day,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

I hope I did not cut into your enjoyment of having the great grandkids too much. It is a compulsion I have to fill the pool with people. It is like empty dirt in my garden, I have to put plants in. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes, Nancy Larry believes there are Sasquatch. His friend Jack Reid has seen them. Sounds like you had an interesting day.

Yes, the children are growing and could spend al day in Sandra's pool.

Dad and I know it takes a lot of energy looking after kids and we do not have so we enjoy short visits. Time changes!


larry bennett said...

Yes - Nancy, it is just like UFO's - our son Rick will not believe until he sees one - like I said to him - what difference does that make - either they are or are not - whether you have seen them makes no difference. I have a lot of experience with UFO's - but non (other than reading and Jacks sighting) with Sskqatches. With Jack, he lives a the base of a mountain near Salmon Arm on about 25 acres. He saw one fleetingly up the mountain , and again in his back yard a few years later - face to face about ten feet away, it was a girl.
I hope they never catch (or kill) one.

Anonymous said...

Another cold wet day here in Melbourne. It is always nice to hear the rain pelt against the window when you are warm and snug in bed. Jesse sick now , Jasmine almost better , Matthew seems to have missed this round of flu apart from the runny nose issue. We are taking Matthew to the dr for his last hearing test , if there is no improvement then he will have his adenoids out.

larry bennett said...

I hope Matthew's hearing has improved. Operations can be tricky and no one should have it unless absolutely necessary.
Good Jasmine has improved and I hope Jesse will recover quickly. He has had a lot of health problems it seems.
Hope you are all warm and snug in your beds tonight,
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Well now, isn't that interesting....about the UFO's and the Sasquatches. Yes,are believers in ufo's too. Once when Carl was a young man he was very late coming home from a visit with his friends 5am. According to him he had some drinks with his pals and then started driving home and he saw an UFO in a field. He said they stretched a big net across the highway and everytime he hit it he turned around...he couldn't get by...thus the long delay in coming home...well I thought, I have heard everything now! I nearly died laughing at him and the more I laughed the harder he tried to convince me! He still says to this day, they took him to the UFO and put something in his arm!
That was interesting about your friend, Jack Reid and his encounter with the Sasquatch...and twice, The second time so close and a girl! I know for sure that is what I saw too.
I was reading about the native name for them and they say the Sasquatch will reveal themselves to you if they feel safe.
Thanks for writing too, Larry, it wasa very interesting1

Yes, grandchildren are tiring after a couple of our age! Ours is 20 now, so she is fine! She actually helps us!

Have a great time tomorrow. isn't that the pool party? Beth, you better now swim unless you get a new suit!LOL

Love, Nancy