Thursday, July 31, 2014


I love the way the sun makes the water sparkle. 

So many families enjoying the water with all different activities. I know our family could spend hours down at the beach.  That is not for me any more, sitting in the hot sun is very tiring.

Summer time and my schedule changes a bit.  I am going for shorter walks because I like to water or putter around in the yard before I go.  Yesterday I came face to face with a raccoon on my walk but we both re-acted cautiously.  He ran into the nearest yard and I thought of crossing the street.

 Yesterday I cut the lawn and dad rode his bike to visit Gordon in the home on 180th.  We have been meaning to do this for awhile but the both of us never felt like doing it on the same day.  He looked very happy as he set off waving his hand.  I got a little anxious when he was not back after three hours.  His ride took an hour each way.  Gordon was happy to see him and made sure he had some coffee and cake.

We never do much that is exciting but it is amazing how my stories can bring up stories from others.  I know I often found this when I went visiting.  Being more of a listener I found this challenging.

"To be human is to tell stories.  We do so for many reasons:
to inform or illustrate a conviction we hold.
To attract attention, perhaps to entertain."

The Bible is full of stories, not always easy to understand, but stories that are meant to reveal deeper mysteries certainly about the many facets of God who is portrayed in many different ways and the darkness that dwells in the hearts of human beings.   Historical narratives that can be shaped from the mythic into a reality.

Jesus, was a wonderful story teller who took the ordinary experiences of life and revealed a new way to perceive life and to be open to the quest for wisdom through the ordinary acts of life that happen every day.  

Today Ben and Morgan come for a visit which dad and I are looking forward too.  They are getting very grown up and lots of fun to have visit.  I am not sure about visiting Jim with his milkshake.  His room is terribly hot so I feel badly for him.  It will all work out I am sure.  Hotter today!

So once again my blog is first with breaking news.  Carol has a new car! 


Sandra said...

I am not much of a story teller. I just don't have enough happen to tell anything. Randy always has lots of stories after work, me nothing. I will drop by before or after my naturopath appointment at 1:00. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

You are right Beth, telling a story often sparks memories in the listener.Such as your bathing suit story sparked my memories of the minnows and the bathing suit!

It is great to hear of Larry's escapades on his new bike! Now that is a long 180th. Does he take the back streets? I hope so as 10th is so busy. I would love to have an electric bike and explore all over the beach. YOu cannot ride them in the driving restricted area though..which I think is pretty ridiculous. Quite a few seniors find it a challenge to walk to their cottage and riding a regular bike is to difficult for them. It is always a worry that someone will challenge the no vehicular traffic law and the beach would have to open up...which would be a has narrow lanes and retains the "flavour" of an old English village. It even has a village green.

I wish you both a wonderful day visiting with your grandchildren and family. It is hot here too! Humid too, with fog early this morning.

Love, Nancy

We had a busy day in Winnipeg yesterday. The highway is so dangerous with all the beaches traffic and slow drivers who are afraid to drive the speed limit. The re-paving of the highway and shoulders is a hassle too...with long stops and driving on gravel shoulders.

Tomorrow a friend and I are taking one painting each to an art show in Lac du Bonnet. It is about an hour drive one way. We will take the longer and more scenic way there rather than go on HWY 59 with all the construction.We will have lunch there and some window shopping.

beth bennett said...

Enjoy your art show Nancy.

See you later Sandra.

Love mom

Sandra said...

And before grama says anything, I did not hijack Ben and Morgan!

Steady-as-rain said...

Sounds like Dad had fun on the bike. (I assume he eventually got home.)

