Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Even though it was cool the sun was most welcome.  I had a good walk  and went very early.  I had a strange night with bad dreams and waking up and not knowing where I was.
The breathing test was a nightmare too. Breath in a big breath and then blow it out.  All she needed was for me to do it twice the same but every time it was different and I had to keep redoing it.  I also felt stupid and must have looked stupid with a close pin on my nose.
Finally she let me go but I wandered around in circles trying to find the entrance again.  Dad is there waiting he is reading the mystery I had brought to read.
We went to the River Inn even though both of us were not that hungry
 but enjoyed sitting outside in the lovely fresh air.

We came home on the new road and dad argued with each sign saying they were all misleading and being helpful I kept asking are we on the right road?  We ended up on the right road  so got home in good time.  I had a nap and dad finished the book.

Life would be a nightmare if we did not laugh about it.  My computer was not working this morning so if you thought I was sleeping in  no way!


Sandra said...

Yes, I was a little worried that nothing was up yet. It is nice to have the cool air in the morning, I even close the door after the dogs have their morning constitutional.

nancy-Lou said...

Haha! I thought that sleeping in comment would " get a rise" out of you! I was worried though, that the doctor kept you in the hospital due to your cough and virus! Glad all is OK.

You are funny Beth! You sure gave me a chuckle...between the clothes peg on your nose, going in circles and Larry arguing with the road signs....it all sounds like what happens in our life too!

We lost two good people to a motorcycle and truck accident over the weekend. They were from our neighbouring community and everyone is in shock. The person driving the truck was 88.
Now there is controversy amongst family and friends and the media, regarding mandatory driving tests for people over 70. I am in favour of this...but know some are not! What do they do in BC?

I looked on google and saw the Watershed Park where you often walk. How wonderful to have a piece of nature so close by. Do you go through there on your daily walks?

Have a great day.
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Hi Nancy: I know we do not test when you are 70 to get your drivers license and as it happens I got mine today.

I try to drive carefully which is important at any age. I do not drive a lot and certainly into Van.

It sure affects the community when tragic accidents happen.

I am glad you appreciate my humor.

I read the comics and it amazes me how often the jokes are similar to my life.

love beth

Anonymous said...

Sunny but cold here . How were your test results?

beth bennett said...

I have a virus. L see the doctor next Tuesday and maybe find out more.
The weather is okay not too hot and may rain today.
Any improvement in your toe?
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Good for you re-newing your driver's licence. Even though you don't drive much, it gives you independence.
One of Carl's employees, a labourer, never had a driver's licence and he was 54. He is illiterate and was told by his family he would never pass and made fun of. That made me mad!

We studied the driver's handbook for two years..he memorized everything and I gave him driving lessons for months...and he passed the first time! We both cried! It gave him the independence he never had before.
He now drives his mother to doctor appointments and to bingos!

love, Nancy