Friday, July 4, 2014


                                One thing I know I will never die young.

What I need now to know is how to live fully the years I still have.  I am fully aware that I may have to live with certain limitations but I am very thankful that I do not have high blood pressure or high cholesterol of diabetes and many other health problems that are chronic.
I believe in taking medication when necessary.  If one is very depressed then medication may be needed.  I believe if one is in a lot of pain then taking a pill is good medicine.  Sometimes when you have a bad case of diarrhea medication is helpful; I guess you get the idea.

The important thing to remember is that no pill can produce a sense of well-being that can only come by our own efforts to work at being happy.  No one can have these feelings all the time especially when aches and pains hit us.  Life is full of disappointments,  stress and worry, sadness at loss of health of family and friends.  We all need forgiveness because we have at times caused others pain.

What I need to sustain me as I grow older is an appreciation and awareness of the beauty that surrounds us daily,  along with compassion,  a sense of humour, a sense of wonder and a little common sense.  Sorrow is meant to be shared because it is a part of all that is and each one of us have their share.  Exercise, good nutrition and a sense of the spiritual  give to life it's meaning and creates  helps to create healthy body and minds.

I am now starting a book called "The Disease Delusion." which I think I will find very helpful.

I have learned that I need to be patient because healing takes time.

Cheering for Canada in the Tennis!

Want to do better in my walking today!


Sandra said...

It is nice to know somethings, and some unknown is nice too. We went to the movie last nigh that the dispatcher from Randys work was in. Taking My Parents to Burning Man. They both seemed to do very well for 60 year olds at a wild crazy party. Randy asked if I would want to go but I don't like deserts and noise that last all night long. Had my tetnus vaccine yesterday and my arm hurts. She told me it would but I didn't really think it would for some reason. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Go Eugene !! Too bad Ronic lost. Last late shift then five off . We are going to sydney on Monday. Going to stay at the rocks and go to Taronga zoo on the ferry. ken


beth bennett said...

Sounds like great fun! We walked around at Home Depot and then went to White Rock to have our lunch outside the little café.
Meet a friend who said she just found out that grinding her teeth at night was causing her migranes and that Dr. Patterson gave her a little thing that has cured her. It took awhile but now she is cured.
Hope Matthew's ears are better.
love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, appreciating the beauty of the world around us is the main purpose of life. I quite agree.

