Monday, July 21, 2014


Listening to the rain on the window pane, and decide to rest because I have laryngitis and a cough.  Not a good thing to have when I am having a breathing test but there is no way to cancel and then wait another three months.  I just want to get these things done and maybe get some answers.  I stay home from church and do some reading.

I am reading in Mark's gospel about the four men who break apart the roof of the house that Jesus is in so they can lower their friend to his feet and hopefully he will be healed.

The room was crowded with imperfect humans (sinners) wanting to hear good news and also see a healing.  Even though they are a noisy group they hear the footsteps on the roof and are surprised by a rain of dust and straw as the paralysed man is lower down into the room.  They push one another to make room and wait to see the reaction of Jesus in the midst of all this commotion.  Will Jesus be angry at this interruption?  Will he be touched at the action and concern of his friends for this very sick man?

When Jesus saw their faith he said to the paralytic "Son, your sins are forgiven."  Everyone believed at that time that illness was  thought to be caused by sin.   If you were a good person you prospered.

They did hear good news that they were not sinners and they also saw the man healed and walking.

For me the important part,  was the part that the friends played in this drama.  Scripture stresses the value of friendship.  I know that my friendships have supported and encouraged me as well as given me hope and happiness.

My cough began to get much worse and dad was getting very stressed.  He is easily stressed these days so I agreed to go to the emergency at Ladner against my better judgment.  Just as we are getting ready to leave we hear our friend Pat's voice on the answering machine.I had a good check-up, x-ray, blood work etc. and they think it is a virus.  So came home with some pills .   How do you argue when you have laryngitis?  My day was even more restful than I had expected.

I go back and see the lung specialist today.


Anonymous said...

Hope your day is uneventfull and you can rest your voice.

Sandra said...

Why did you choose Ladner to go to? I hope taking you out on Saturday did not tire you out too much and make it worse? Rest up and take care of your self, you have a birthday party coming up. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Oh dear, a virus is not good! I hope you recover quickly...coughing is so tiring. Maybe you should give the doctor's office and call and see if you can re-schedule the appointment for a day in the near future? They have done that for Carl. If not, go.

It is a beautiful summer day here...the humidity has gone. I will work in the garden this morning and take Max and Bella for a walk.

I let the hose run in the front yard...for the birds and animals and we have a steady parade of them come through. Carl has a front row seat and loves to watch them. The water is lake there is an endless supply! I couldn't do that with our well...

Fell better soon, my friend!

beth bennett said...

We choose Ladner because the Peace Arch suggested it and there are no parking tickets.
Yes I want to be in good shape for my birthday Tea on Friday!
love mom

Sandra said...

Did you turn your furnace on for a bit last week or something? I know I sound like a broken record but you have to get your ducts cleaned out. Coit is having a 50% special right now.

beth bennett said...

Yes we did turn the furnace on but I had the cough before.
Thanks keep on being a broken wheel.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...
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nancy-Lou said...

Missing your blog this morning, Beth. I hope all is well and you slept in!
love, Nancy