Monday, July 28, 2014


Sunday night finds us back at Sandra and Randy’s home enjoying the garden and the pool.  I enjoyed my first time in the pool and it is wonderful leaving you so fresh and alive feeling.
Dad and I went to church and their was a small group of us but it was good to catch up family church news.  It was also Jane’s birthday and she will be celebrating with her family over several days.
Even though we can see each other with our eyes there are always things that prevent us from knowing others completely.  The important thing is to see ourselves with humility and honestly knowing that even with our imperfections God is still present with us always.
We are thankful that there is equality in our family structure and we do not need to follow Old Testament traditions which where man made and did not honour others nor did they honour God.

Dad had a real good bike ride and he is doing better and we are both pleased.

P7251745This is one of the pictures I had taken on the camera at the birthday party.  I made Sandra take a break from all the fixing and rearranging she was doing.   The pictures my dad had painted are in the back ground.

I forgot I even took my camera and I had asked dad to be in charge of the pictures and the one picture of Justice in the pool did not turn out.

Today I will get some answers from the lung and heart specialist but do not expect much will have shown up.  Just having this testing finished is reassuring.

Thankful for the fun of celebrations!

Summer is a wonderful time to respond to the creating spirit of nature that be open to the promise of new hopes and dreams.


Sandra said...

It is nice to have to pool to cool down with when doing gardening on a hot day like yesterday
. Jumping in and out let me keep going for an extra hour I am sure. Nice to see you in the water, next time maybe dad will jump in too. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes I enjoyed it!
love mom

Anonymous said...

Grandpa and Ben can have a diving competition this Saturday! xo Panteli

nancy-Lou said...

Sandra always looks pretty....but especially in the dress and hat for the tea party! nice pic. She really is amazing...putting on all those family parties.
What fun you all have in the pool! What a nice addition to the house.

isn't that great news, that Larry is enjoying his bike and feeling better....yay! Keep on biking!

I hope your visit with the doctor does give you some answers and they can help you regain your health Beth. I will be thinking of you!

The weather here looks sunny and hot all week. That is the first time in many weeks there isn't rain in the forecast.

Have a wonderful day,
Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

After work Melina Matthew Jasmine and I went to sky high trampoline city. It was such hard work and I got stuck in the foam pit for about 10mins. Jasmine has a real bad cough and is home from kinder today. Good to hear your feeling better and going for a swim.

Theresa Rose said...

Ken, that sounds like an episode of a sitcom...being stuck in a foam pit. I hope it you also found it humorous.

I am so glad you got to enjoy the pool grandma. Grandpa should jump in too. You both missed meeting each other as teenagers at the swimming pool in Saskatoon but you can hang out now and pretend grandma is the lifeguard :)

I have been playing tennis everyday. I have many tennis partners so I can play everyday. I love that Grandpa always took me and the cousins to play tennis. Every time I play I reflect on that. I am sure he took it very easy on us.

Grandma, I am glad you are finishing some tests. I am super glad you didn't cancel any of them. I hope you find some answers as well as get some of your energy back.

I am glad you are enjoying some well deserved Siestas!