Friday, July 25, 2014


Grama and Morgan all dressed up for the party!

Ben is loooking so grown up.
Sandra takes a picture of Theresa and Gramma
My pictures are not down loading and I do not know why.
DSCN2959This is only the beginning of the party.

I did not want to be responsible for taking any pictures but just to relax and enjoy the party.

I felt sad Kim was not there and Susan was to sick to come.  It was fun to have
Tasha and Justice to add to the fun but wished we had more pictures of them.  There are a couple that are sill missing.

It was a lovely day for me and it continues with phone calls from my brother, our friends Pat and John, a visit from Gunty with roses and chocolates and a big thank you for all I had done to help her through a difficult time.  It is not often some one says " you saved my life and gave me the will to live again".Also a phone calls from Rick and Kenny and Stephan.  I am glad Matthew's birthday turned out just fine but always a lot of work and worry.

Many beautiful cards and special presents chocolates from Kim, oraments from Pentali and Carol and a special saying from Tasha and Justice.


beth bennett said...

A wonderful party. Sandra does a beautiful job. She made GF scones and regular ones with lemon curd and strawberries and whipped cream.
Dad will help me to download. He says I had the camera on movie. I took a few pictures and he did the rest so I hope we can recover them.
Beautiful day with magnificent cards and chocolates and garden ornaments.
Gundy came by with red roses and told me I had saved her life by making her go for walks when she was so depressed after her husband died. I sure it was all God's idea.
Great party with my beautiful family which continued with phone calls after I got home. Missed Kim and Mandy.
Thank you all. I feel very loved.
love mom

Sandra said...

You left a blue camera here. I am glad you enjoyed your party. It was nice for the sun to come out so the kids could swim in the pool. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Great photos, look forward to seeing the rest of them! xo Panteli

Theresa Rose said...

It was a lovely party. I hope Sandy doesn't get sick of hosting nice parties. She does such a good job I don't know if I can compete.

Everyone looked very lovely and we even acted lovely...mostly ;) I hope you had a nice birthday Grandma. I am glad you are feeling a little better. Have a good day!

beth bennett said...

Yes it was one of my best parties as we could talk to one another and just have fun.

I am feeling very good now.

My pictures must be on the blue camera because they are the ones I took. I was getting worried I was going crazy.

Poor dad made breakfast for me this morning but I stopped to see Gundy as she wanted to give me some blueberries. I think he drove by a minute later and couldn't find me on my walk. I am slower and I felt very bad he gets so worried. I am so sorry.

Thank you everyone I had a very good time.
love mom

beth bennett said...
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