Friday, July 18, 2014


I am having trouble with my computer which is confusing.

Today dad and I are having lunch in White Rock with Jane and Geof. I am finding more and more that I am talking, reading, walking with my eyes closed. The good thing is that I am aware of it. I even sit at the stop sign and close my eyes and then pinch myself before some one honks behind me.

I have a appointment for a M.R.I on Sept. 2016 which I think I will just cancel.

Dad did some digging up of daisy roots which is a very hard job.

I need to clear a path so I can walk through.

Both ponds are working very well now.

Looking forward to a good visit.


nancy-Lou said...

Isn't that a strange thing...closing your eyes...just don't do it when you are actively walking...stopped would be OK!
I had a brain MRI and it was very was just noisy and you had to lie still. over in about 10 minutes. I was brain tumour, like mt dad had. It is your choice, Beth, but with your symptoms I would keep the appointment.

I saw my new doctor today...another one from Libya. He was so excited to hear that my husband was Lebanese! My lungs are pneumonia! BUT the CT scan showed two broken ribs...and I know exactly when that happened...from coughing so hard when I had bronchitis.I felt the pain and commented to my husband...I think I just broke a rib. no wonder I couldn't sleep on that side for so long. They are healing but still sore.

Is your weather cooler now? There are so many forest fires in BC.

love, Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

Don't cancel anything!!!



Theresa Rose said...

Don't cancel anything!!!!!!!!!