Thursday, July 17, 2014


I did manage to visit Jim yesterday.  I hope that I am learning that freedom from judgement is a good thing; but a very hard thing.  I found a change of attitude on my I think on both our parts seemed to help.  Jim was pleased to see me.
Pain is pain.  Empathy is empathy.  Lovability or not.

Nice to have Carol drop in for a visit at lunch time.  The wind was very cool so she wrapped herself in a blanket as we sat outside.  This is what happens when you live in the Caymans.

I have a chest that is full of diaries and journals.
I remember as a teen-ager having a sleepover and the three of us girls shared our diaries.  I had lots of romantic hopes and dreams about falling in love with prince charming.  The trouble was I had really spilled my heart out while the other two had written down facts and events.  Of course they wanted me to read more and more.  Yes, today it would be laughable but not then I felt kind of embarrassed.

  Good for you Theresa I hope you have lots of laughs together.

And if you do find your prince charming you soon discover he is off to fight the dragons and leave you to fight your inner dragons!

I am reading that I am responsible for my own happiness.  Jesus said: "The kingdom of Heaven is within you."  In other words the kingdom of happiness.  Look within and let go of fear and sadness.
We have been created to be containers of LOVE.  And it is limitless.  Be passionate. Our work is a gift that requires  energy and commitment.

I wanted as a child to be a writer and as an adult I wanted to be some one who can be helpful.

I also have been keeping a record of thank-you letters written to us.  I put the letter with a picture.  Times have changed now and thank you comes by computer.



nancy-Lou said...

Well, I think you have succeeded in being both a writer and someone who is very helpful to others, Beth!

That is an interesting story about the diaries and the other girls. You are very forthright and honest about yourself in your blog and I can imagine you were then too. Too bad they weren't.

It must be so nice to have Carol and Sandra and the rest of your Vancouver family stop in often for lunch or a visit. We sure enjoy our sons too...we see them most days and if we need some help they are always willing.

Thank-you letters are so important and many people think they should do it and don't, so when we do receive them it makes them that much more special. So nice that you have kept them.

love, Nancy

Theresa Rose said...

Robbie always told me I wrote the nicest things in cards. I always told her it was because I learned it from YOU! I hate to miss an opportunity to show my thanks. But I hope that when I do miss one that the memory of my previous Thank you's make up for it.

Theresa Rose said...

What is the oldest diary you still have Grandma?