Saturday, July 5, 2014


P7031519"The Disease Delusion." 
Conquering the Causes of Chronic Illness for a healthier lifestyle.
The book I am quoting.

The names we give diseases are helpful for finding the right medication but not for truly getting to the cause of the problem so we can create  a healing response.

It is now common for more and more people to have chromic diseases while we are discovering pills that help cure acute disease.  What is needed is to find the cause behind poor health in a country where we have doctors available and ready to perscribe the right treatment. 
What we need now is functional medicine and practical steps to become as healthy as possible. 
We live in a world of light and dark.  What interests me is the changes in the brain brought on by life trauma or even dietary, environmental lifestyle that creates imbalance.
The critical foundations are about improving our diet, getting more exercise,  managing stress, or reducing exposure to environmental toxins. 

Chronic illness does not heal by itself.
It grows worse over time.
Does not usually have a single cause but there are numerous complaints.
This tens to make it complex.

I have enough health issues that worry me because I may be headed towards a frail, sickly old age, in which I spend my time going to doctors and getting pills.

I am amazed at the way my different organs work and all of the variety of tasks that need to be performed and the way they need to interact with each other.

P7031522Is it the environment,  our attitudes and behaviors?  We are born with certain genes but just as important our the attitudes and  choices  and our individual uniqueness and use our energy to restore health and healing.  It is never to late to be enlightened as to how we should live to maximize our health over a longer life span.

Now is the time to shape your own pattern of health by avoiding drugs if possible, eating well, and getting exercise and of course stress reduction.

These are thoughts taken from the book.


Sandra said...

Stress, can't stress enough how bad stress is! How is your garden faring, should I come by and pull a weed or 2? Sandra

Steady-as-rain said...

All the photographs look lovely with the green and the sunlight. They are good stress relievers!



beth bennett said...

Thank you Sandra for dropping by. It was good just to talk and Skype with Mary and Simone.
I was extra tired so hoping for a good sleep tonight.
love mom