Tuesday, July 8, 2014


“Life is too short to worry about matching socks."

I know that when you reach a certain age there is only so good you can look.  I guess I should be accustomed to my face by  now.  I look in the mirror and can see mom looking back at me.

DSCN2916The older we get the more we have to make friends with reality.  I still attempt to put a little make-up on but it is harder with my poor eyesight.  I do not like taking glasses into the bathroom because I am so clumsy I could knock them off the counter and easily flush  them down the toilet.

I do not worry about my looks because I know that most people are too concerned with their own to worry about me.

I can even walk in a store and not buy anything because there is so little I need and I soon get tired even looking.
There is a beauty that comes with age like the big tall trees in the forest.  They have branches missing and bare spots here and there but they have an amazing beauty just standing there.  If they could talk they would have some strange tales to tell.

Each one of us has an amazing story to tell that is unique just to us.

So it is not everyday you get to stick your tongue out at everyone!

I am thankful for fans which helps keep me cool.

Dad did a good job putting up the new blinds and curtains in the guest room.  He also went for a walk in the forest and it is amazing how his blood pressure comes right down.

I had a good day, my faith empowers me to experience the joy of just being plain old me.



Sandra said...

I am still fighting the good fight to accept my self but I can not say I am winning. I agree, it is not fun trying to put on makeup with glasses on. Sandra

Steady-as-rain said...

Thanks Mom. I got the birthday card yesterday!



PS It is really possible to flush eye-glasses down the toilet?

Shandel said...

Make up is such a hassle Grandma! i never wear it either. I find i smudge it all over my face because i will forget if i have attempted to put it on. You are beautiful just the way you are. I feel we need to learn to love ourselves for who we are. Not for what we look like or what we can look like. Once you make peace with that happiness just flows. We all struggle too. Even as a little girl i watched my mom struggle with accepting herself and some of those struggles stuck with me over the years. I am just now learning to let them go. (when your mother struggles so do you becuz you really are cut from that cloth)
glad the walks help to make both of you feel better. I find it helps me let go of a busy or stressful day ( if i come across that) Did Grandpa ever order his electric scooter?

beth bennett said...

That is good your card arrived on time. I meant to take a picture of you and dad when you where here but I did get you floating on Big Bird or what ever.

It is probably not possible but my glasses keep disappearing so I wonder what happens to them?

Have a good day. I am going to buy myself a cupcake for my birthday and light a candle and forget about parties there have been so many.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

I am laughing and nodding my head at the same time! How true your words are Beth! I never wanted to look like my mother...but she looks back at me everytime I look in the mirror.

Makeup is a lost cause, at our age! I even forget lipstick mos of the time. My motto is `I yam what I yam`! Thanks Popeye.

Actually being old, means freedom from some of the things we used to be obligated to do...like buy stuff! How wonderful to be content with what we have, not needing to keep up with the fashions.

Do you have cataracts Beth...( I cannot use puctuation because my laptop is using French punctuation...a question mark looks like thisÉ.....I need to rebbot. I don`t know how to change it otherwise!
Cataract surgery is so easy and so successful, restoring good vision to so many.Carl had his eye done last week and he is amazed at how well he can see. In fact, the first day, he was shaving and yelled down to me, `hey there is an ugly old man looking back at me in the mirror`!

Well, I need to get busy, so I can watch the semi final soccer game this afternoon.

Wishing you and Larry a great day,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday RIck and Morgan.